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Phones Getting too Damn Big!

That sort of thing happening would make me suspicious and I'd immediately check my phone hadn't been taken, fallen out, or damaged.

And you find the phone has gone, then you're at a police station reporting a crime. Myself, I prefer to avoid that happening in the first place.

I couldn't stand using public transport. I want to drive the car myself, because it's fun. I would never live anywhere busy in the first place, I like peace and quiet.

Time is important as well, so I'd rather go by public transport, i.e. high speed train, and get the job done in a day, rather than bother with a two day road trip. Things like 12 hour traffic jams on highways are NOT fun, been there done that. Day return by train Jinan to Beijing costs equivalent of $50($80 first class), to do the same travel by car would cost around $150, plus the hotel stays. If I was in the UK or the US, I wouldn't hesitate to have a car.

I''d like to live in a place that's peace and quiet, but unfortunately I'm not that rich....yet.
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No, someone bumps into me, I feel the phone disappear, I look round to see who's running off with it, chase them, then beat them up.

Public transport must be different where you are. Here it's a bus that's running late so you miss the connecting train, which isn't at the time you need to be there anyway. Easier to get in a car and drive, and have the ability to take luggage easily.

In fact today I was waiting at the pharmacist and a bus couldn't get through because the street was full of parked cars. The driver was cursing at them. I told him his bus was too wide for the road and unfit for purpose. All the cars and vans were getting through just fine. If they're going to put those slow smelly annoying things on the road, they should make them compatible. If they're not getting stuck they're driving too slow and stopping all the time and holding up the traffic.

As for rich, WTF? My house is 4-5 times cheaper than my sister's. I live almost in the countryside and she lives in the city. People pay more to live in an overcrowded mess and I've no idea why.
No, someone bumps into me, I feel the phone disappear,
I look round to see who's running off with it, chase them, then beat them up.

Or they pull a knife or a gun on you, or are stronger than you, or are skilled in martial arts(yes really)? Good luck!!!

But would you actually feel the phone disappear from your back pocket, especially if you're distracted in an argument? Then you search your pockets, look around, and don't see anyone.

As I've already mentioned, I prefer not to take such risks with my valuables.

Public transport must be different where you are. Here it's a bus that's running late so you miss the connecting train, which isn't at the time you need to be there anyway. Easier to get in a car and drive, and have the ability to take luggage easily.

In fact today I was waiting at the pharmacist and a bus couldn't get through because the street was full of parked cars. The driver was cursing at them. I told him his bus was too wide for the road and unfit for purpose. All the cars and vans were getting through just fine. If they're going to put those slow smelly annoying things on the road, they should make them compatible. If they're not getting stuck they're driving too slow and stopping all the time and holding up the traffic.

I can see public transport is very different, especially having spent much time in the UK, US, Canada, Korea, and China. For local journeys around the city, I just use my electric scooter, or sometimes take the subway.

As for rich, WTF? My house is 4-5 times cheaper than my sister's. I live almost in the countryside and she lives in the city. People pay more to live in an overcrowded mess and I've no idea why.

WeIl I don't know where you are, US? UK? but where am If I want peace and quiet, it can cost serious $$$$.
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Petty thieves don't do guns and martial arts. If they did, I'd call the police.

Of course I'd feel things caressing my buttock!

My phone isn't valuable. Sensible folk buy a phone worth under $50. The fancy Iphones are no better.

Public transport is for the poor that can't afford a car. It is not acceptable to have to share transport. It should go from my house to my destination at the time I wish it to.

The UK here. For some crazy reason it's actually vastly cheaper to live in the peaceful areas. So either people are stupid and want to live in the noisy polluted cities, or they don't like driving 30 minutes to get to work and instead want to work harder to earn more money to buy a house in a worse place.
Petty thieves don't do guns and martial arts. If they did, I'd call the police.

Really? Are you absolutely sure about that?

My phone isn't valuable. Sensible folk buy a phone worth under $50. The fancy Iphones are no better.

Talking of iPhones, an American friend lost one of them last night. And I spent most of the morning calling his contacts, seeing if anyone has found the thing.

Unfortunately the cheapo and budget devices under $50, do NOT suit my uses for a smart-phone.

Public transport is for the poor that can't afford a car. It is not acceptable to have to share transport. It should go from my house to my destination at the time I wish it to.

I can do that as well, it's called a TAXI. :) Or I just get on my scooter for local around the city, I can go anywhere, and bypass all the car drivers stuck in the traffic jams, or can even just rent a public bicycle, and still get there quicker than a car.
Yeah well you're in China, they do martial arts there. I've heard of only one criminal doing martial arts in the UK. He beat a policeman senseless ROFL! In America you'd get shot. But I could shoot them first, since they'd be running off and looking the other way.

Uhhhh..... just trace it? Where's my phone app etc? I can find where my Android is by going to the Google Play Store on my desktop.

I had a friend "lose" his in a lake. Luckily he has scuba gear. The thing worked after drying it out.

If there are traffic jams, the government isn't doing it's job correctly. I thought China was good at limiting cars until they had built enough roads - something about a license lottery?

The biggest jam I ever see in my town is when I park illegally and obstruct a bus. I do like getting my own back on those things.
If they have the ability to fold up and maintain high functionality, then let them be at least a meter per meter.
When I do go somewhere I usually put my phone on my right pocket, or even in my backpack duration of walking to somewhere like for bowling.
Nope. For one thing, I usually have a shirt tail, vest, or coat over the phone that is sticking out of my back pocket. These items serve to cover other items I want to keep hidden.

For days when I do not have something covering the phone, my H&K on my right side will most likely catch their eye long before the phone, left side will have the double extra mag holder. Don't believe they actually pay attention to the phone.

So, no, not really concerned someone will try and pluck my phone out of my back pocket.

Don't live in fear of losing my phone; however, some might and that is their right.

And cannot remember ever losing anything that I placed into my back pocket.
The problem is people paying stupid prices for phones so it matters if it's stolen. £30 ($40) will get you a reasonable smartphone that does anything a top notch iphone can do, just a lower res camera.

I do the same with my car, the cheapest new car you can buy in the UK now is £12500. WTF? That's a ridiculous price. It's a quarter or what I bought my house for. I buy second hand for £500. The current one is still running from 5 years ago.
Stupid prices to one person is not stupid to another. Could I have purchased a cheaper phone to do the same? Yes. Did I want to? NO.
It's like everything else people purchase, they purchase what they want and hopefully, what they can afford.
In my case, I have the money and do not desire to leave it to my heirs or the government, so I will spend it on things I like and since I deal in only cash. It affects no one except those waiting for a payout after I'm dead.

However, price of an object does not necessarily determine the price of the object. I'm guessing there are phones that are just as large as the S22U in my pocket.
If you can afford an expensive phone, why are you upset when it's stolen? Just buy another.

There is no point in the expensive ones apart from showing off, they don't do more than mine, you're just throwing away money. Is it some kind of status symbol? Are you afraid someone will see you don't have the latest phone and make fun of you?

I think you might want to rewrite "price of an object does not necessarily determine the price of the object" as it's utterly nonsensical.
First, let's get one thing straight. Of course I would be upset of someone stole my phone, if someone stole your cheap phone you would be upset too. And if ever stolen I will just purchase another one. However, it is not the cost that upsets a person it is the violation of the personal attack or space of someone stealing or attempting to steal something from you. I had someone break into my house in Michigan many years ago, I was not upset with the required cleanup of the mess that resulted from his break in I was upset that the idiot violated my personal space. Heck, my insurance covered almost all of the costs for carpet replacement, wall repair, etc. But again, it was the violation of my personal space. That phone in my back pocket or in my truck, house, etc. is within my personal space.

Am I afraid of what someone would say if they saw me with a cheaper phone? Is it a status symbol? Dude, WTF, 99 percent of the people have no idea what the price of my cell phone is when they see it, and I do not flaunt it. Even if I answer a call when in public, I spend little time on the call since I am more concerned with what people might hear me say than what phone I am using. So, I call them back when I have privacy.

Even if visible in my back pocket, the greater majority of the people have no idea what phone I have and what it would cost. If someone gets close enough to read the name SAMSUNG on it they would still not have any idea what model it is.

In fact, I have never had anyone, including close friends ask the cost of my current S22U or any other phone I have owned; (other than my Satellite phone). The greater majority of my friends have an iPhone, and from the looks the larger model; however, I have no idea what it cost since I do not care what the price of an iPhone is or what models are available. As long as they are happy with their phone, so am I.

If I did worry about what other people thought about me, I would walk around in a suit and expensive dress shoes, wearing a Rolex, but my normal attire is jeans, a plain shirt, hiking boots, Casio watch and a baseball cap. So I’ll leave the pretentiousness to others. I personally have never given a thought to what other people think about me. When I was working, I could have easily stated, most people I met, hated me to the point they wanted me gone (dead). Didn’t bother me one bit. Now that I am retired, I care less what people think.

I guess for some small minded individuals it might be a status symbol, never really crossed my mind that a phone could be a status symbol. I purchased my large phone BECAUSE I WANTED A LARGE PHONE. I prefer a large phone, and I only purchase new phones from companies I feel I can trust will make a good product. I require a phone with what I have researched to be the best modem for a call signal. That usually denotes a newer phone since modems do get better with each new model phone. Older cheap phone might not work where I live. Not everyone lives in an area where there are multiple cell towers; I live in an area where there are only two cell towers for me to connect till I head toward the small city I live by. (One reason why I am no touting a Pixel 6 pro…the modem was questionable.)

And yes, I made a typo and will end up in hell for that terrible act, I’m sure you would never make such a drastic error. I totally apologize for terrible error and can only beg for exoneration.
I meant to say "price of an object does not necessarily determine the 'SIZE' of any object." Case in point; my GMC Denali PU is the same size as a GMC SLE PU; however, it costs approx. 20K more and the SLE diesel would be able to do the same job of pulling a large trailer through the mountains. Therefore, cost does not always related to size and I believe this thread was started on size; not cost. So, are you happy now that I corrected my error and begged for exoneration from having created such a grave error in my typing?
I believe we can move on and agree to disagree on this subject. You can continue to purchase cheap used items; that is your thing and that is most likely your right to do so where you live. I will continue to purchase the new items that might, or might not be expensive since it is my right and I can afford to do so, without harming others.
So have a nice day, or I would guess evening (approx. 4PM), if I can be as presumptuous to believe you are in England (due to stating pounds’ sterling in a post) since here it is currently 9:15 AM MST.
For me, time to take a 2 hour drive into the city.
No, if it's cheap I don't care if it's stolen. The jump leads disappeared from the back of my car, so what, I bought more. I'm not a pathetic girl who feels violated for goodness sake.

You don't need to pay lots of money for a large phone. And the signal strength is pretty much the same on all of them. My sister has the latest Iphone and my mother has a cheap flipphone, both get the same signal strength.

I was not making fun of your typing, I was asking what you meant.
Nope. For one thing, I usually have a shirt tail, vest, or coat over the phone that is sticking out of my back pocket. These items serve to cover other items I want to keep hidden.

For days when I do not have something covering the phone, my H&K on my right side will most likely catch their eye long before the phone, left side will have the double extra mag holder. Don't believe they actually pay attention to the phone.

So, no, not really concerned someone will try and pluck my phone out of my back pocket.

Don't live in fear of losing my phone; however, some might and that is their right.

And cannot remember ever losing anything that I placed into my back pocket.
I rarely do come across muggers, the last one stole my wallet ages ago. Besides now these days my money is around my neck and having my hoodie on really helps them see what kind of sweatshirt I am wearing too. No matter what the weather is, I equip one for my side occupation in that moment, and besides my black jeans does not reveal much on my cell's own weight on it either.
They do not see what my cell is either on my lock screen, besides they can never see it, besides I conceal it with napkins or my hat in my side occupation, even with the cameras around the place, I give back my bil's cell to him constantly to him anyway :)
I rarely do come across muggers, the last one stole my wallet ages ago. Besides now these days my money is around my neck and having my hoodie on really helps them see what kind of sweatshirt I am wearing too. No matter what the weather is, I equip one for my side occupation in that moment, and besides my black jeans does not reveal much on my cell's own weight on it either.
They do not see what my cell is either on my lock screen, besides they can never see it, besides I conceal it with napkins or my hat in my side occupation, even with the cameras around the place, I give back my bil's cell to him constantly to him anyway :)

Sad to say, I miss coming into contact with muggers. It was pretty common when I lived in NY and MI, but out here in ID, the normal is not human muggers it is bears, large cats and on occasion an upset moose.
No, if it's cheap I don't care if it's stolen. The jump leads disappeared from the back of my car, so what, I bought more. I'm not a pathetic girl who feels violated for goodness sake.

You don't need to pay lots of money for a large phone. And the signal strength is pretty much the same on all of them. My sister has the latest Iphone and my mother has a cheap flipphone, both get the same signal strength.

I was not making fun of your typing, I was asking what you meant.

Signal strength or actual signal?

Best example for me is, when I walk down to the end of my driveway (approx 500 feet), if I head west my signal will eventually jump up in signal strength. If I head east it will eventually disappear. When it disappears depends on the phone. My Pixel 4XL, will show one bar, but in approx a half mile a call will disconnect but still show one bar. My S22U shows a signal bar, but will go darn near a mile further on before the call is cut.
And looking at a cell metering app, they both drop to the -120 or greater range, but the S22U will stay on the call. (Did some research and the qualcomm modem used on the S22U has some type of RF lock that it can hold a call longer then previous versions. True or not? Works for me.. Will also state that the reason I did not jump to the Pixel 6 Pro was info from two different Verizon store managers that the Pixels were returned for signal problems and both managers were aware of where I lived and the fact only two towers to the west of where I live, with the Grand Teton Mountain to the eat of where I live; therefore, stay away from the Pixel.)

Basically it all comes down to what a person wants and can afford (at least I hope they can afford what they want). I will continue to purchase new large phones at least every two years, but maybe every year. Depends on what floats my boat. Only thing I can be sure of it will never be an Apple product, but I could flip from a Samsung back to Pixel, but most likely going to stay with one of the two.

Have a good day (or night); I'll move on from this thread. Besides as my ID implies, I camp a lot and where I camp, the only connection to the civilization is a Sat phone. So internet connections can be tough to find.
Sad to say, I miss coming into contact with muggers. It was pretty common when I lived in NY and MI, but out here in ID, the normal is not human muggers it is bears, large cats and on occasion an upset moose.
But you're allowed to shoot those.

Signal strength or actual signal?
I have no way of measuring the second one.

Best example for me is, when I walk down to the end of my driveway (approx 500 feet), if I head west my signal will eventually jump up in signal strength. If I head east it will eventually disappear. When it disappears depends on the phone. My Pixel 4XL, will show one bar, but in approx a half mile a call will disconnect but still show one bar. My S22U shows a signal bar, but will go darn near a mile further on before the call is cut.
And looking at a cell metering app, they both drop to the -120 or greater range, but the S22U will stay on the call. (Did some research and the qualcomm modem used on the S22U has some type of RF lock that it can hold a call longer then previous versions. True or not? Works for me.. Will also state that the reason I did not jump to the Pixel 6 Pro was info from two different Verizon store managers that the Pixels were returned for signal problems and both managers were aware of where I lived and the fact only two towers to the west of where I live, with the Grand Teton Mountain to the eat of where I live; therefore, stay away from the Pixel.)
I'm not one to care if there's no signal, it can be useful for an excuse why I didn't answer.

Only thing I can be sure of it will never be an Apple product
Good boy.

Have a good day (or night); I'll move on from this thread. Besides as my ID implies, I camp a lot and where I camp, the only connection to the civilization is a Sat phone. So internet connections can be tough to find.
Isn't the point of camping to get away from civilisation? No communication allowed!
I have a Cat S31, and I was thinking about upgrading. I looked that the Samsung Xcover Pro and it is 6.3" tall. I decided against it. My next choice was the Cat S41, but it's a four-year-old phone.

All the other tough phones are too big, so I will keep my S31.

Is anyone else annoyed by the growing sizes of newer phones?

I know this is an old thread, but you might consider just a smaller phone with an overly rugged case.
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