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Help Picasa Upload Network Error


Jun 21, 2010
Hi all-

Apologize if this has been posted before but I can't find it. I found a few posts on other places but no real answers. This is different than the gray bar bug.

I've been sharing my photos by uploading them to Picasa from the phone with not troubles. Then about a week ago they all started failing. Since then I've only had a couple actually go through after dozens of different pics and attempts. The photos are pretty small size (100k) so that should not be the issue. I have uploaded ones that were several megs in the past. The status stays at 0% and then finaly says Failed, Network Error. I am able to go online with the browser and all other apps seem to work fine. I used Taskiller to try to make sure nothing new was running that could interfere. I have also turned the phone off and on a few times.

Any help would be appreciated.



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