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Help Picture Taking With Droid X


Well-Known Member
Can I get some tips as to how to take good/great pictures with my X. Everytime I take a picture it looks blur or quality looks like crap etc. I have it set on 8MP and tried different settings and still not good. I see other people picks on here and they are GREAT quality and look perfect.

Any help on this please. We are having a baby soon and want pics to look great.

Thanks in advance.
Just 2 quick questions...

Are you half pushing the hard button and then letting it focus (green), then fully pressing the button to take the picture?

Or, are you just pushing the button?
You may have the macro option selected. if you are trying to take a picture of something far away, this would cause the picture to become blurry.

Also, you could try downloading 'Vignette.' This is a program that has a bunch of filters and options available for you to customize the picture you are attempting to take.
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