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Help PIN Lock screens and BT questions


Android Enthusiast
I'm required to have a pin lock screen on my phone by my company. On my current phone (Droid X) a PIN screen is actually forced on when I first connected my Exchange account.

1. Anyone know if the S3's email client honors the PIN lock requirement of an exchange email server? Is it automatically is forced on and can't be removed w/o deleting the email account?

2. Anyone know how the PIN lock screen works with normal lock screen? Does the PIN lock screen replace the normal (watery) one? Do you have to pass through both? How do the shortcuts work (or don't work)? The camera gesture?

3. Does bluetooth voice-dialing work when the phone is locked with a PIN? (I ask since this was broken on the DX for some time). On that note, how does the S3 do hands-free voice dialing through bluetooth in-general? Does it use S-voice?
1. Anyone know if the S3's email client honors the PIN lock requirement of an exchange email server? Is it automatically is forced on and can't be removed w/o deleting the email account?

I can't vouch for your solution, but there are a few apps that will make it so you need to do a pattern/pin to access specified apps. Seal (in GPlay) comes to mind, and there are alternatives.
2. Anyone know how the PIN lock screen works with normal lock screen? Does the PIN lock screen replace the normal (watery) one? Do you have to pass through both? How do the shortcuts work (or don't work)? The camera gesture?

I use a pattern lock screen and you do a swipe on the 'watery' screen, and you are then presented with a second pattern lock screen. So I assume it would be the same with a PIN unlock screen.

Also the same if you swipe one of the lock screen shortcuts - presented with the pattern unlock. Also if you do the camera shortcut where you touch the screen and rotate to landscape, you are then presented with the pattern unlock screen.
Firstly, you don't need an app to secure your phone.

Secondly, from a phone sleep state, once the screen is active, (watery screen) the swipe left to right is simply an option within Settings > security > second option down.

If disabled you just go right to the pin entry or pattern screen.
Firstly, you don't need an app to secure your phone.

I think you misunderstood. The standard Android PIN lock can actually be forced on by an application. Most (but not all historically) email applications (inc stock now a days from what i understand) will do this when connecting to corporate email servers via Exchange ActiceSync. I think it also enables my company to remote wipe my phone as well. This is something most people never see unless they use there phone for work email and their company takes the time to configure the servers to force this on. However since every custom skin seems to want to implement there own email app, you never know exactly how it will act.

It's good to know that I could go directly to the pin screen from sleep. This was an option on my DX that I think was removed in one of it's updates (gingerbread I think). Thanks.
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