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Pixelated Screen


Android Enthusiast
Is this normal? My screen is noticeably pixelated, and all my wallpapers are blurry.

I know it has a higher pixel density, but I thought that would make things look better?

The pixelation is not just on the wallpaper. It's everywhere, even on beautiful widgets and the market. Everything looks terrible.

The colors also look a little off. the buttons in the market have a gradient effect on what was solid gray.
if you think yours is worse than it should be maybe go to the store and compare next to their in store unit.
If you get up very close there is some pixelation, however, it is still (IMO) a better, brighter an crisper colors display. I have a DX and a DX2 so I can compare them side by side (and do so often lol).
I doubt there is a manufacturing defect.

What I am wondering if it is a design defect. Possibly the "anti-glare" aspect of the screen? I didn't notice it with my old DX1.

Or maybe there is a setting that is off. Is there any way to calibrate the screen?

I used my old SD card from my DX1, and a lot of my old settings for beautiful widgets, switchpro, etc. could not be imported. I am wondering if the old SD card is messing with the screen somehow...old screen resolution settings?
This is what i am talking about:


yeah i was going to say the pics you posted looked normal for the DX2. The day it came out most blog sites gave it a krap rating on the screen department because of the pentile and i have to agree with them.
yeah i was going to say the pics you posted looked normal for the DX2. The day it came out most blog sites gave it a krap rating on the screen department because of the pentile and i have to agree with them.

man, i had no idea. I find it abhorrent that they would advertise this as a bonus (i.e. "qHD").

I'm a total skeptic now when it comes to their copywriting.

Although I do see that the new screen has some sort of anti-glare feature when compared to my old DX1.

Gosh. So sad...

And they got rid of the hard camera button??? That was just cost savings right? I am trying to figure out how to focus on one area, then take a picture of another. Holding the virtual key down and letting go when i want to take teh pic worked a few times, but then stopped working.

Even all my pics/video looks crappy.
They upgraded me to this garbage screen after 4 dx1 refurbs. What the F am i supposed to do now. I read somewhere about turning down the screen to 200?
Wow talk about being picky. So you were upgraded to a DX2 from 4 previous DX1's and you are complaining? Ill trade you my brand new refurb DX1 (just got in mail have not even activated it yet) for your DX2. I'm actually using a DX2 I bought from another member here so I have that too.
That looks pretty bad, but mine doesn't look like that. While the pixelation is annoying, it's definitely not as bad as those pictures.
Couldn't the pixels be a software problem. These screens have a higher resolution right? Can the apps even be optimized for them yet? I can understand the ui complaints but not on the apps. I say give it time. Ill take seeing my screen in the sun and lower battery consumption any day over the dx1 screen.
The DX2 definitely has benefits over the DX1's screen, notably, that it seems brighter and more vibrant.

However, there is just no getting around the pixelation and the "blurring" of colors.

Please, let's leave bias out of this thread. I am not bashing or trolling. I am just sincerely trying to find out if I have a defective unit, or if there are any settings I can toggle to resolve my problem.
The pictures posted aren't a good representative of how the human eye would see the screen IMHO. First of all, it's zoomed in a lot - more than is possible in person IMO. Also, it's possible to take digital shots and filter them to look different than in person. Bottom line, while the DX2 display DOES have some minor pixelization, it is not even close to nearly as bad as those pics lead one to believe. It is such a minor thing for me that I don't notice it at all unless I really squint to see it.
Agree with Teegun. Yes it's there but only if you squint. If yours is that noticeable take it back and get them to swap it out. Verizon has always treated me well when I have an issue with my devices. Hence I have a DROID X2
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