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Help Playlists crashes phone

Hi all. Ever since the 5.0.1 update whenever i try to access my playlists in the music app it crashes and gives me "unfortunately, music has stop" the second i tap it. Ive tried the basic troubleshooting issues such as restarting and turning off and on with no avail. Thats as far as my phone knowledge goes for troubleshooting and google searching was of no help. phone is a Galaxy S4 Active and my carrier is AT&T. Not rooted. this isnt a third party music app this is the original vanilla app. any help or suggestions is appreciated. Thanks!
its a blue circle with a green music note

That's the Samsung music player.

The only thing I can suggest, if clearing the app's cache hasn't fixed the issue, is to clear app data and recreate the playlists. That's probably a fair bit of work though, so I'd advise holding off in case someone with more knowledge comes up with a better solution.
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That's the Samsung music player.

The only thing I can suggest, if clearing the app's cache hasn't fixed the issue, is to clear app data and recreate the playlists. That's probably a fair bit of work though, so I'd advise holding off in case someone with more knowledge comes up with a better solution.

Actually this is what ended up working. "clear data" didnt delete any music and after restarting the app it instantly rebuilt the default playlists (which is all i needed). Thanks!
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