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Help Please Help Can't receive calls.


I had this phone about 10 months now with no problems. But now my incoming calls will not connect. I can call out with no problem, and every thing else works fine net, IM, text, out bound calls ect..... But If someone calls me it will go streight to voice mail, or they will hear it ring multi (5-6) times then go to voice mail. But my phone do not ring or shows someone called me. I called customer service (net 10) but still have the same problem. I updated my PRL, profile and reseted my phone to factory settings, but still my incoming do not connect. But my phone will show if someone leave a voice message. Can someone please help me? Thank you.....
Go to Facebook (create an account if you're one of the 3 people on the planet who doesn't have one) and go to Net10's page. That's where all their best techs are. It may just take a reprovisioning of your account, which they can do in about 2 minutes. Bur whatever it is, those are the people who can fix it.

(Just make sure there's no "send all calls to voicemail" option that you have turned on - that would be embarrassing.)
Thanks for the idea, I will try Net 10 on facebook. Because calling the customer service line was painful and no help at all.
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