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Root Please help me i'm going crazy here with this phone.


Android Enthusiast
Bought this phone for my girlfriend and put slepnir on it and for the past couple weeks its been giving her nothing but problems.

3g suddenly doesn't work anywhere

Picture messages don't send or receive anymore

Touch screen is being sporadic with sensitivity causing misspelled words.

Freezing constantly and rebooting

Please help as I'm starting to pull my hair out with how upset she is with this.
You could try reflashing slepnir. If that doesn't work try the stock ROM, and as for the 3g (if the reflash doesn't fix it) call virgin/sprint and see whats up.
Bought this phone for my girlfriend and put slepnir on it and for the past couple weeks its been giving her nothing but problems.

3g suddenly doesn't work anywhere

Picture messages don't send or receive anymore

Touch screen is being sporadic with sensitivity causing misspelled words.

Freezing constantly and rebooting

Please help as I'm starting to pull my hair out with how upset she is with this.

I'm sorry to hear that there are so many problems going on. Since the current version of the ROM has barely any issues as-is, did you follow the installation instructions verbatim (word for word)? Also, have you tried any of the troubleshooting steps that are frequently mentioned in the Sleipnir thread? The touchscreen issue might be a manufacturer's defect, unfortunately, and the freezing might be due to too many apps running in the background that were installed after the ROM. In this case, I would try a clean flash, starting over from the beginning, and work from there.
I'm sorry to hear that there are so many problems going on. Since the current version of the ROM has barely any issues as-is, did you follow the installation instructions verbatim (word for word)? Also, have you tried any of the troubleshooting steps that are frequently mentioned in the Sleipnir thread? The touchscreen issue might be a manufacturer's defect, unfortunately, and the freezing might be due to too many apps running in the background that were installed after the ROM. In this case, I would try a clean flash, starting over from the beginning, and work from there.

Thats what im going to try tomorrow :) Thanks.
take note that the elite has issues holding a stable 3G connection without defaulting to 1x data. its a known issue with the device. sprint has on occasion replaced the device with another model phone. the rom is not the culprit as far as connection issues are concerned. and mms/sms issues are likely to happen for various reasons including the unstable nature of the elite and how it obtains and maintains data signal. might want to consider another phone. virgin mobile and sprint shouldn't still be selling this lemon.
take note that the elite has issues holding a stable 3G connection without defaulting to 1x data. its a known issue with the device. sprint has on occasion replaced the device with another model phone. the rom is not the culprit as far as connection issues are concerned. and mms/sms issues are likely to happen for various reasons including the unstable nature of the elite and how it obtains and maintains data signal. might want to consider another phone. virgin mobile and sprint shouldn't still be selling this lemon.
I tend to agree, these are very touchy little Phones (Think Diva),that are not worth the pulling of hair!!....lol
they should have called it the optimus aquilera. she looked good at first,but after a couple of dates she turned in to a bloated war pig.
Its the rom. When i had it installed i was having problems also mostly random freezing/reboots. There are many other roms to choose from for the lg optimus elite.
Its the rom. When i had it installed i was having problems also mostly random freezing/reboots. There are many other roms to choose from for the lg optimus elite.

It's only the ROM if the issue being experienced is a bug in the ROM itself. If the issue is not a bug in the ROM, and the ROM is sound and stable, it's usually hardware-software-interfacing-related (such as tuning the CPU properly), or something else related to Android (it has a mind of its own - if you don't believe me, try roaming through the /system files, LG themselves have a note in there about this phenomena). The ROM is typically only the /system files and /system partition, which is 1 of 21 partitions on this device. If anything else goes wrong with other partitions, it is likely an app's fault or lack of proper care for the device. This is also why we have the unbricking method :)
I'm suprised to hear this, when I got the elite just a few months ago the same couldn't really be said. There were roms but no where in the area of 'many other roms'

Well ive had the elite since December and ive found a few roms like 7 i have them downloaded i believe there is one more that i do not have.


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How many of them are stable/have the memory card swap lol

Stable? Many/Most of them, including the few that are still under active development/have had development in the last two months.

Internal/External SD Card Swap? Only CM9:

The phone has 2GB of internal memory already, which is fine for most people, and the phone takes up to a 32GB external SD card IIRC. The modifcations are done in the vold.fstab file to get the swap done, but no one has been able to get this done successfully on Gingerbread to my knowledge despite multiple attempts. With CM9 it can be done for sure be done on this phone, and it has been done.
18 wow well i did quit looking a while back. But thanks didn't know i was missing out

No problem. Keep in mind that the ROMs by Ken, Shark, Phenom, and myself are the only ones currently still in development IIRC, so if you're looking for a ROM kept up to date, there's a good way to find one :)
No problem. Keep in mind that the ROMs by Ken, Shark, Phenom, and myself are the only ones currently still in development IIRC, so if you're looking for a ROM kept up to date, there's a good way to find one :)

Thanks. Do you know if a camera app works on cm9 or the camera doesn't work at all?
No problem. Keep in mind that the ROMs by Ken, Shark, Phenom, and myself are the only ones currently still in development IIRC, so if you're looking for a ROM kept up to date, there's a good way to find one :)

That was sort of my point before, there were roms but not many are what you consider to be in development, many are "out of date"

Blunt magic the camera does not work in cm9 or any cm9 based rom

Iirc is if I recall correctly
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