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Please suggest some games, im losing my mind

#1 game I been playing lately: Wordfeud

It's basically online scrabble. It's addicting. If anyone wants to play my user id is zerox just send me an invite

Oh and Angry Birds is said to be out THIS MONTH for android and that is the most addicting game ever so wait for it !

Wordfeud seems like a good one, but I keep getting a "connection error" every minute or so, and I have a great WiFi connection. I even tried it with mobile web which is also very strong here, and still get the error. Have you noticed this?
Wordfeud seems like a good one, but I keep getting a "connection error" every minute or so, and I have a great WiFi connection. I even tried it with mobile web which is also very strong here, and still get the error. Have you noticed this?

Yes it has nothing to do with your connection but rather the server the games are being hosted on. This happens from time to time and you should just check back in a little bit and most of the time the error goes away. Once you get into a game it is addicting.
hyper jump and everlands are two of the few games worth buying. Maybe doodle jump too but hyper jump is newer and you've probably played out doodle jump. The only other games that are definitely worth playing are bonsai blast, paper toss, and wixel lite, radiant lite. Some of those are lite games that you might be interested in buying.
I downloaded something called Gears?? I just see things spinning, couldnt figure out how to ad more gears, or design my own, so i uninstalled

Gears isn't a game. It's a benchmark/tech demo. All it does is show the gears spinning and give you the FPS.
Air Control FTW

How low are our standards that this game is considered a great game??

where are the EA titles? where are the high quality titles like on the top 50 of iphone games section?

I never have, and never will, play a word game lol ... glad some of you enjoy them, but thats not for me
Collapse - puzzle game
Everlands - Hard to describe...
Criticality - Very simple, but i find it quite fun
Barr - fun, but only 10 levels
Crush the Castle
Dungeon Hunter - From gameloft.com Diablo2-ish, dungeon crawler, random item stats. Pretty darn fun, and looks amazing! I was like "My phone can do this?!?!" definitely worth the 5 bucks.
Storm8 online "MMOs" are what they are if you're into that
Robodefense - seconded.
Armored Strike is pretty good as far as tank games go. Online play is cool.
Barcode beasts is amusing for awhile. See who's soda or cigs are stronger =] Dev is working on making it more feature filled.
Those are the ones on my game's hoemscreen.
Galaxy Domination was really fun. Simple graphics, but great fun. Sad there were "only 100 levels.
Retro defense - seconded
Bonsai Blast - seconded
Asphalt 5 is gameloft's racing game. it was pretty cool (demo's in marketplace), but I'm not a racing fan, so i don't know how good it actually was

Ohh, and remember, you get 24 hours to try out apps you buy!
How low are our standards that this game is considered a great game??

where are the EA titles? where are the high quality titles like on the top 50 of iphone games section?

I never have, and never will, play a word game lol ... glad some of you enjoy them, but thats not for me

I'm sure they're workin on gettin here. Namco just made it in.
anybody ever play that flash game where you hit an anime guy with a girl on a bike and send him flying? and depending on the girls he hits when he bounces you get boosted or slowed? THAT was fun...and needs to be ported. Or redone. Or whatever. Wish I could program...bet that'd sell....
Anyone seen anything like GodFinger ( iPhone Game ) or Zen ( iPhone Game )??

GodFinger is like the old Black and White PC Game and Zen is ... well ... not sure how to describe it... you wrap rope around wood blocks until a large enough percentage is complete to move on to the next level... very relaxing.

would be nice if you could port games over ... I liked TapTap Revenge as well... so much better than GuitarHero5
One game I haven't seen mentioned yet is Parallel Kingdom

I'm slowly becoming more and more addicted to it lol. It is an RPG/RTS type game. You can attack players, attack cities, visit cities outside of your general area (even other counties) as well as teleport back to your general GPS location to hunt.

A better feature list is on their website: Parallel Kingdom - Features

If your interested, PM me for a referral code for a starter bonus.
WOW...I just tried Sketch Online (beta) for the first time, and I liked it so much I spent over an hour straight playing it just now. Haven't even tried "what the doodle" yet
How low are our standards that this game is considered a great game??

where are the EA titles? where are the high quality titles like on the top 50 of iphone games section?

I never have, and never will, play a word game lol ... glad some of you enjoy them, but thats not for me

Go grab Heavy Gunner 3D (market) or Nova (Gameloft's website). High end Android phones are relatively new compared to the iPhone. Give it time.
Dont go pouting away. I was making a suggestion to you. Why so rude? I gave you a list of games I like then a resource to find ones you might like better. Why exactly did you react this way?

You're a dick.

To OP: I've played a lot of Robo Defense. It's pretty fun (though it does suck down your battery).

Also, SNESoid is pretty great/cool. PSXoid will be fun once I finally get it working ... The first two suggestions in this thread, bonzai blast and replica island, get mentioned a lot in 'favorite games' threads.
I would suggest Galaxy Domination. It's a simple strategy game but I think it's quite fun and as an added bonus the game is free, tell me what you think of it!
I really miss plants vs zombies and the creeps. I've beat both games a number of times but would totally buy them again for android.
Alchemy is kind of fun. :)

I love Alchemy. It's one of those games that I'll get frustrated with, quit, and then start playing again 5 minutes later. I like all the icons and it seems like the guy is always adding new elements to make.

4Ever Fall free is super simple and super addicting.

Blow Up, Flood-It!, and Slimeball Speedway are my other favorites.
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