I don't actually have an answer for you but I was wondering what kind of viruses do you get? Haven't really heard of any on Android phones before from visiting websites (I assume it was just websites & nothing he downloaded).
first time ive heard looking at that stuff gives the phone viruses. Ita my understanding that the virusea that computers get as specifically emgineered for computers so if they were to get on a phone it really wouldnt do anythinf cause its not made to attack the phone files. Im also curious as too what types of viruses you get? And a far as i know of there is no such thing, i mean i guess you could establish the parental controls of the web browser or if the site(s) has any.
Try downloading the app called Quickpic from Play its free n u open it up find all folders that have any porn use your menu key n select the "hide option" it will place a ".nomdeia" text file n that folder so when anyone except u open it up they wont see anything or u can try "vault" apparently it lets u password protect certain media. Hope this helps.
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