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Possible solution for 2.2 slow charging


My phone charges very slowly if I plug in the charger while the phone is on, but if I turn it off for a minute with the charger plugged in and then turn my phone back on, the charge rate reverts to what I experienced under 2.1 which will fully charge the battery from 20% in about 1.5 to 2 hours. Much better than the 15-20% per hour I was experiencing after updating to 2.2.

It seems to charge almost as fast as if i had turned the phone off and left it off.
Interesting. Pretty much goes with my theory that people who are having charging issues just have an app, service or something else sucking up the power. Let us know if it comes back.
Sometimes I've noticed that the battery indicator doesn't go up after charging a while, then if I reboot while plugged in, the indicator will jump. For example, I've been plugged in for about 30 min now, and the indicator went from about 30% to ~33% (per OS Monitor). After powering off and on again right away, the indicator is at 50%.
I have been charging a new battery for the last 6 hours and it STILL wasn't full...FRUSTRATED beyond words! Read ure post and my battery was still charging and at 76% so figured another 1-2 hours before it would be full...BUT, I unplugged and did what you said and within 10 minutes, it was at 100%!!!! I can't believe this worked..crazy! But I did unplug it, and plugged it right back in and it charged for another 3-5 minutes before it turned green again..

Either way, glad this seemed to work..THanks!
This is a bug!

If you turn your phone off for 2 minutes, it will say it charged about 30 or 40%. In two minutes!

It IS too good to be true. If you attempt to use the phone as if it is fully charged, you will easily notice that it is NOT fully charged. The battery will drain VERY fast, and if you plug it back after it's 'charged', the LED will not turn green until it is REALLY charged.
This is a bug!

If you turn your phone off for 2 minutes, it will say it charged about 30 or 40%. In two minutes!

It IS too good to be true. If you attempt to use the phone as if it is fully charged, you will easily notice that it is NOT fully charged. The battery will drain VERY fast, and if you plug it back after it's 'charged', the LED will not turn green until it is REALLY charged.
Funny u mention all of this because I did notice that it lost about 8% just sitting there, in like 5 minutes...Also, when I plugged it back in, after it was green, it stayed red for about 5 minutes before it got back to 100%...

Who knows, this whole new battery issue after the update is really pissing me off.. Who has time to charge a phone, during the day, for 5-6 hours??!?! Ridiculous!! :mad:

Never have I had a phone with these many battery issues..
Not too sure where these issues are creeping in but maybe my charge habits are different and I've opted for the 2150 mah extended battery.
Most of the time I turn the phone off at night and leave it plugged in charging and while I'll lose some initial charge quickly (I also have SetCPU running overclocked which accounts for the extra batt drain) I can easily get through the day with heavy use (not constant GPS though) and still have 30-40% battery remaining. This is with Twitter updating in the background and me playing around with ROM images.

Dunno what's causing these problems for people though.
kinda noticed this yesterday...ran my battery down to 0, plugged it in, and in under 2 hours, it was "full"...shut it down and plugged it back in to bump charge, was on the charger for about ~40 minutes and still orange when i had to leave work @ 9pm...

was out until about 2am-ish, lightly using the internet and a few texts/pictures, when i got home, it was maybe 50% or so...i was too drunk to worry about checking how much up time i had and such

today, i ran it down to about 12% while at work, plugged it in, and with moderate use while plugged in, it took 3 hours to get to ~60%

this phone sure does piss me off after 2.2
if ur rooted with s-off its as simple as a nandroid backup and a radio downgrade in HBOOT to get back to 2.1...
IT is 100% the reason why I reverted back to 2.1, it is isn't a myth that it takes foreverrrrrrrrrrrr. I would plug in around midnight or early,depends, and by 8 when I get up that gd phone would still not be at 100%. I had 2.2 for a few weeks and the benefits were not noticeable enough to care. All that excitement and then back to my old ways. But fyi my Mom received the OTA and I mentioned to her and she seemed oblivious to it. So there yah go.
I need a solution for this for sure.. I really cant take the long charge time. Its ridiculous. Currently I am getting 16% per HOUR. From 0%, which is what my phone even with extended battery is approached when I plug it in at night, it will literally take 6+ hours to charge. I have gone to sleep and gotten up for work and not yet hit 100%..
The HTC Incredible running the official 2.2 release does indeed resume fast 1A charging when the power is turned off, and only when the power is turned off. I verified this with a benchtop power supply. The high charge rate is limited (or perhaps more appropriately, not implemented) in the new kernel build. A friend and I are looking over possible ways to address this with software.
The OTA update that is being issued on November 8th includes a new kernel that fixes the long charging times. I've been running the new kernel for the past week or so (I'm rooted) and charging times are even faster than what they were on 2.1.
I've verified that the Virtuous kernel does quick-charge at 1000mA. It's a nice ROM that keeps Sense, does away with some of the nonsense, and adds some nice features. It may be based on the latest OTA kernel, as mentioned above.
This is a bug!

If you turn your phone off for 2 minutes, it will say it charged about 30 or 40%. In two minutes!

It IS too good to be true. If you attempt to use the phone as if it is fully charged, you will easily notice that it is NOT fully charged. The battery will drain VERY fast, and if you plug it back after it's 'charged', the LED will not turn green until it is REALLY charged.

http://androidforums.com/htc-incredible/232682-bump-charge-fully-explained-we-may-have-deal.html Read the 2nd post
Yep, the stock kernel from the latest OTA does quick charge. The only drawback was that it was more difficult to root, but I understand the unrevoked folks have patched around it.
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