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Proper youtube app


Jan 4, 2013
The regular youtube app does not allow you to reply to comments, it only lets you post a comment on the video but not in reply to someones else's comment. It also doesn't show who's comment is in reply to who's, you don't get to see the "In reply to xxxx" button that you would normally click to see the conversation, all comments are presented to you while you read them as if they are in reply to the video.

So I tried going to youtube in both Chrome and Dolphin browers and then I was allowed to reply to people comments, well sort of, not quite the proper way. You see, when you click a comment it opens up a reply box, but it does the @davidzzzz bullshit instead of replying to the comments the way youtube has them set up, so this way the person you are replying to does not get the email notification saying that someone replied to their comment, they have to go and search the videos comments to see if anyone posted "@You", which is not something I expect people to bother with.

You also can't vote peoples comments up or down with the youtube app or the browser.

So how do I see Youtube comments the same way I see them on a full size operating system and internet browser?


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