Know your stuff. A BS degree is good and all, but if you know your way around computers, particularly hardware and software, (and networking doesn't hurt, either) then you're a leg up on people who go into the IT degrees without a single lick of computer knowledge at all. Companies say they want a person with a BS degree b/c they're not going to hire any Joe Schmoe off the street with no computer experience - but if you have the knowledge, and can show them the knowledge, then you'll be a leg up on competitors who don't have any real practical knowledge other than what they learned in a book.
Also, AS degrees are baloney as much as a BS degree. I'd be talking seriously with your institution about the job placement ability.
Good news - with an IT degree and knowledge in your hand you can find work somewhere - it may not be where you want to start out working, and with the recession, jobs are definitely tight, but you'll be able to get your foot in the door somewhere.