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Q: In-call disconnect/reconnect?


Android Expert

If you have a stock Eris (non-rooted) that received the July 2010 OTA update, have you ever been in a voice call (since 17 July) which seemed to disconnect and then automatically reconnect without you doing anything?

If so, is your Radio firmware (Settings -> About phone -> Baseband version)

This is not the same thing as a momentary drop-out in voice; instead, you actually get some indication in the UI that the call was dropped - and then the other caller re-appears without either party re-dialing. (Possibly also the speakerphone turns off if you were using it.)

Replies would be helpful; I'm trying to find out if this is a generic radio firmware issue, or something with the new Froyo (2.2) root ROMs.


Edit 9/14/2010 See post #35 or this XDA post for more details
I have never had that happen before. That's odd.

I've only had it happen with Froyo ROMs on my phone; however, the newest radio firmware has only been out on the Eris for 4 weeks, so the Froyo hypothesis might be merely a coincidence.

That's why I am asking non-rooted users on the (7/17/2010) newest 2.1 OTA. If any of them have experienced it, it is a radio firmware issue, not a Froyo issue.

Now that I think of it, if anyone experienced it even on a 2.1 rooted ROM (with that same Radio firmware) it would be evidence pointing in the direction of the firmware.

So, again - anyone on 2.1 experience this?


I think it's a 2.2 issue since I only experienced it on Cyanogen Tazz. My phone beeped as though the call was dropped, I was sent back to the dialer/home screen (I can't remember which), and it reconnected a second or two later. I've never had it happen on a short phone call (say, under 10 minutes).

I haven't updated my radio since I got the phone (

I haven't had this problem since reverting back to 2.1, but I can't say for certain that I've had any phone calls that would have been long enough.
I'm rooted, have that radio, primarily use xtrROM (was on 3.x now on 4.x) and have never had that happed.
happens to me all the time. running KaosFroyo

A couple of people over on XDA have also reported it; so far, no reports of "it also happens with that radio on 2.1 ROMs".

bftb0 over on XDA makes a suggestion to try and capture a logcat to see if the Android logging system is reporting anything unusual right about the time it happens. That seems like a good idea - if you already have the SDK set up and your PC is handy when it happens to you.

it happened to me on CELB 2.9. how do i check the radio version?

Settings -> About phone -> Baseband version

if you have an older radio firmware (newest is and this happened to you, that would be a very useful piece of information.

Settings -> About phone -> Baseband version

if you have an older radio firmware (newest is and this happened to you, that would be a very useful piece of information.


my baseband is does it change when you switch roms cause im not using CELB anymore? Nonetheless this happened to me several times on CELB and is quite annoying.
my baseband is does it change when you switch roms cause im not using CELB anymore? Nonetheless this happened to me several times on CELB and is quite annoying.

I'm not aware of a single "dev" ROM which flashes the radio. It is simple to do, but the devs have not been in the habit of flashing radios in their ROMs. Moreover, it is 100% certain that Nandroid restores on the Eris also do not touch the radio.

Very likely that your radio was NOT flashed back when you left CELB, so that is a very useful report - it indicates that the locus of the behavior is somewhere in Froyo, not the recent (Sprint) radio firmware update.

I'm not aware of a single "dev" ROM which flashes the radio. It is simple to do, but the devs have not been in the habit of flashing radios in their ROMs. Moreover, it is 100% certain that Nandroid restores on the Eris also do not touch the radio.

Very likely that your radio was NOT flashed back when you left CELB, so that is a very useful report - it indicates that the locus of the behavior is somewhere in Froyo, not the recent (Sprint) radio firmware update.

No im not talking about the Froyo CELB im talking about the 2.1 CELB. So the problem isnt specific to froyo. Also in the 2.1 CELB thread over on XDA a couple of other people have experienced this as well.
No im not talking about the Froyo CELB im talking about the 2.1 CELB. So the problem isnt specific to froyo. Also in the 2.1 CELB thread over on XDA a couple of other people have experienced this as well.

Thanks for the clarification. Do you happen to know what the kernel version is for that 2.1 CELB (if you are still using it)?

Thanks for the clarification. Do you happen to know what the kernel version is for that 2.1 CELB (if you are still using it)?

According to Conap's XDA thread, it is Cyanogen 5.08. I believe that reports of this behavior are fairly recent in that thread. For example, see this post from August 4: [ROM]ErisLightningBolt 2.8 CM5.08 build( OC, JIT, Apps2sd, GPS, Stock MMS!!!)6/21/10 - Page 166 - xda-developers.

I ran this ROM for a while, and this never happened to me - though I rarely make very long phone calls.
Bump. I promise, I won't bump this more than four or five more times ;)

So far, all the reports have been for CyanogenMod - derived dev ROMs, either from an Android 2.1 code base (CM5.0.8+) or an Android 2.2 code base (CM6+).

Reports have come in from phones with different radio firmwares, too - so it doesn't look like the problem is due to radio firmware alone.

If you are absolutely sure you had this happen to you on a stock HTC ROM or a near-stock dev ROM (e.g. PlainJane or Ivanmmj Official), reporting that occurrence would be of some value.

And, as I previously mentioned, getting a "logcat" dump that covers the moment in time when the drop/reconnect occurred could also be very valuable - please try and get one if you can.

Just to confirm, I'm one of the folks that had the issue running CELB 2.8 with the latest radio flashed. I complained about it and had a couple people respond with the same issue. One person said he had NOT updated to the latest radio and was also experiencing the problem. Along those same lines, I saw someone in the WhiteWidow 4.6 thread say they had the same issue.

Since using CELB 2.8, I've used TaintedTenzo and xtrROM with no recurrence of the issue. If it does happen again and I'm near my computer, I'll definitely run a logcat and post it for you.

Edit: I think you're on the right track though about this only happening on Cyanogen-based ROMs.
If a voice call seems to disconnect and then reconnect with no input from the user, it was the data portion of the call, that is the portion of the signal that is dedicated to identifying the calling and receiving devices along with the towers involved, that actually remained connected while the voice signal was lost momentarily.

Because the identifying data remained, the call could reconnect as long as the drop was not so long that even the data de-linked.
If a voice call seems to disconnect and then reconnect with no input from the user, it was the data portion of the call, that is the portion of the signal that is dedicated to identifying the calling and receiving devices along with the towers involved, that actually remained connected while the voice signal was lost momentarily.

Because the identifying data remained, the call could reconnect as long as the drop was not so long that even the data de-linked.

That seems like a reasonable explanation, because, yes - if the call was truly severed, all the circuit switching that occurs (at a large number of trunks and ILEC home office switches in the case of landline-to-cell call) would get dropped, and the call would have to be re-dialed... and the counterparty's phone would either show as busy or it would ring there

Nobody that has had this happen said that a re-dial ever occurred, though.

It is typical for cell calls to drop out voice from time to time, even though the switched "circuit" (to use a land-line analogy) is still alive. But - this is different: the phone GUI actually indicates that the call has terminated, turns off the speakerphone, vibrates the phone, et cetera.

So, I will agree that voice-dropouts are to be expected; but I will also insist that a mere voice drop-out should not cue the user that the call has ended - when it has not. That should happen when the circuit is torn down - not when the voice signal momentarily disappears.

I am on that radio version. I've had this happen on both CelbFroyo and KaosFroyo. I can't speak for it happening on a 2.1 rom because I flashed the radio after I started using 2.2 roms.

Edit: maybe it has something to do with autokiller turning off 3g service?
I have mine set to strict, and I don't remember this occurring before I started using autokiller. Maybe it is the combination of that and 2.2...
Edit: maybe it has something to do with autokiller turning off 3g service?
I have mine set to strict, and I don't remember this occurring before I started using autokiller. Maybe it is the combination of that and 2.2...
your 3G service turns off once a call is made. our network isnt designed to run both at the same time (like AT&T).

I had this happen to me a couple of times (with KaosFroyo). never with stock 2.1. i have the same radio as the one posted above.
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