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Question about text apps


Android Enthusiast
May 2, 2010
If I were to use something like chomp or handcent, would that have its own separate message history/threads?

And a somewhat related question. How much history can this phone store in terms of SMS conversations (question applies to the default message app as well as with third party ones, if it varies)?
I believe the third party text apps piggy back on top of the stock app. So even if you don't use the stock one, all your messages will show there, also deleting a thread from one app will remove it from another. As far as storage goes it really depends on how much you text, texting is my main form of communication and I rarely clean out my threads. If you're worried about the amount of memory they take up, check how much memory your phone has, menu>settings>SD and Phone storage, if your memory starts to get low just delete some of your older and/or bulkier threads.
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Ah, like you I text quite a bit. I'm not concerned about the space it takes up. I'm just wanting to know that space is the only limiting factor and it doesn't have like a 1000 message cap or something before it starts auto-deleting old messages.

Space permitting, I'd like if it kept every message I've ever sent/received. Sounds like it might from what you're saying. Good deal, thanks.
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