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Questions about upgrading


Feb 13, 2011
I'm very interested in getting the Atrix, but I'm really confused about the upgrading thing. When I called in to ask about getting the Atrix for the $200 price, I was told that I could upgrade on March 14th. The reason I'm confused, though, is when I go to the AT&T website and go to "check upgrade options", select the Atrix press "learn more" it says the price for "due at checkout" is 200 for the preorder. Does this mean if I walk into an AT&T store on Tuesday I could get one for $200?

* If it helps, I currently have an iPhone 3GS (that I didn't buy from them but they added on the data plan), and I've been in a contract with AT&T for about a year.
No it was a just somthing they offered. It may have just been their store because the first store I called wouldn't do it but they also told me the atrix wasn't getting released until march 17. So I think they didn't know what was going on. Just call around a couple stores in your area and if you need to ask to talk to a manager.
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No it was a just somthing they offered. It may have just been their store because the first store I called wouldn't do it but they also told me the atrix wasn't getting released until march 17. So I think they didn't know what was going on. Just call around a couple stores in your area and if you need to ask to talk to a manager.

Okay, thanks. But since I already have the 200 dollar price in my cart do you think they'd give it to me at the store?
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