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Help Random calls by 'Unknown' number


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
I have my HTC desire a couple of weeks now and I have some weird problem.
At random times I get a call by an 'Unknown' number. When I answer the call there's no one there and the other side hangs up.
The problem started when I got my new phone so I don't think it's my provider. Also it can't be a prank caller. If it was I should've at least heard something on the other end of the line.

Does anyone know what causes this problem? A bug perhaps?

Thanks in advance,

I have heard of people making phone calls because their pocket is dialing, but this is weird. Try calling your phone provider to see if they can confirm your being called. If you manage to answer and it doesn't say missed, the carrier should have record of the call being completed i would think.
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I have the same problem.

I get called 2 times per hour (but not accurate on the minute), and the other side Seems to hang up. After the first time I immedietly got suspicious and never picked it up again. It answers my voicemail, and in there I have a few dozen recordings of the the-other-guy-just-hung-up tone -> weird.

When the other person hangs up, the tone isn't recorded (or mostly for 2 seconds, not 10).

So I'm thinking the other side Never hung up, I suspect it's a scam of some sort and possibly related to one of your/our/my Android apps.

I think we should both follow Phenomenological's advice and call our ISP. Keep a record of the times you where called so there can be no mistake.​
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We see this type of behaviour a lot on phone systems.
Usually it's an automated dialler that calls numbers in bulk validating that they exist.

I've started getting more 'sales' calls to my mobile, so it could be related to that.

I registered my home phone to stop marketing calls etc, pity there is not an option to do the same for mobiles as well at the site i went too.
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You can register your mobile with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)

TPS Registration

The TPS can accept the registration of mobile telephone numbers, however it is important to note that this will prevent the receipt of marketing voice calls but not SMS (text) messages. If you wish to stop receiving SMS marketing messages, please send an 'opt-out' request to the company involved.

As an a side... for you PSTN Land Line.
BT offer inbound Caller ID which they charge at a fee per quarter.
or for FREE you can get BT Privacy at Home.

Which give Caller ID & TPS registration, for free as long as you make 2 chargeable calls in one month.
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After 2 weeks of them calling with no one on the line when I answered, I finally got someone. She said that she was with TSYS and wanted "Doris". They are a particularly "scummy" bank / merchant services / collections company. Here is their contact info:

TSYS Corporate Communications
P.O. Box 2567
Columbus, GA
+1. 706.649.4266 fax
+1.706.644.3110 phone
+1.706.442.2321 mobile

If you keep getting calls from "Unknown Number", give them a call and tell them to stop.

Joe B.
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