Welcome to Android Forums, Wayne1022!
I have had this phone (tcl lx) for about a week , and continually am getting prompts to download software updates, there is never any description of the update, and I cannot ever locate what was actually updated....
I'd send, or take, it right back to where you bought it, and get a replacement. You may have to jump through hoops, but just persist, telling them there's a fundamental problem with the phone and you want it replaced. If that fails...
Have them look it over, checking everything they can check. If they find nothing wrong, you're basically stuck with two choices: accept and use it as it is, or do a factory reset. I'd do the latter.
If you already have anything on it you want to keep, save it somewhere,
log out of Google, and proceed with a reset.
Then, from a computer, log in to your Google account and set up 2-factor authentication. From then on, anyone trying to access your Google account will have to pass
both verification methods.
Now fire up your phone and set it up. The problem should be solved. If not, let us know!