Yesterday I was playing a game on my phone when it suddenly rebooted. Now it will only get to the motorola droid red eye of death. I have tried wiping the cache twice. I have been unable to get it into safe mode, although I am not 100% I am following the correct procedure to do so. I have removed the SD and SIM cards. About the only thing left is factory reset, but I really don't want to do that. Anyone have any other tricks to try?
I believe it's running the latest software for Verizon, but since I can't boot it I cannot tell you exactly what version.
Yesterday I was playing a game on my phone when it suddenly rebooted. Now it will only get to the motorola droid red eye of death. I have tried wiping the cache twice. I have been unable to get it into safe mode, although I am not 100% I am following the correct procedure to do so. I have removed the SD and SIM cards. About the only thing left is factory reset, but I really don't want to do that. Anyone have any other tricks to try?
I believe it's running the latest software for Verizon, but since I can't boot it I cannot tell you exactly what version.