Now I understand. You have the philosophy you make more money than me so you should pay more in taxes. Quite the silly way to look at things. I looked up what tax bracket I would have been in right after the Reagan era tax cuts. Screw the poor if I have to give up half my income that I worked so hard to get. I make six figures but that was only after getting shot for five years as an infantryman, then spending the next few years in a engineering college barely getting by on my GI Bill (that I paid for to receive), and then getting sent back to the same awful countries to show them how to extract their oil. I deserve everything I get.
You may find this hard to believe but no corporation pays income tax. Yes, you will say the corporate income tax is XX% but that doesn't matter as a corporation will merely raise their prices to make up the difference.
With a third of the country on some form of welfare now I think cutting government programs might be the best idea. If people are no longer being taken care of they find other means to support themselves.