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Receive SMS in Gmail?


Android Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2011
When I visit the US on holiday this year from the UK I will be using a Three SIM instead of my usual O2 SIM. I know I can forward calls to my O2 number to the Three SIM but not SMSs. Is there a way of having my SMSs sent to Gmail as I can check this frequently? I don't get a lot of SMSs but it would be useful to be able to pick them up while away.

I've had a go at this and am now feeling exceptionally stupid. It seems so easy that it would be impossible for it not to work but still I can't do it. I tried to set up a recipe with SMS as the trigger and Gmail as the action. I activated SMS OK as I received the text with the activation code. But when I receive a text, I receive it OK but no Gmail message. I have looked for pre-made recipes but they focus on receiving a Gmail and sending it as an SMS. Tested this and it works fine but I can't get an SMS to send a Gmail. I use Contacts+ as my messaging app. Would this make any difference?

Did think about using Tasker but realised that it wouldn't work as it would be actioning SMSs on the SIM in the phone which would be the Three SIM.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong please?
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Did think about using Tasker but realised that it wouldn't work as it would be actioning SMSs on the SIM in the phone which would be the Three SIM.

I'm not familiar with IFTTT, but my first thought was that this would be an obstacle to any solution - with a different SIM in your phone, SMS addressed to your O2 number won't be received anywhere, which would seem to be a prerequisite for acting on them.
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