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Root [RECOVERY] Working CWMR

All credit goes to utkanos for helping build this. This is currently an alpha build and can use more testers, so hit up utkanos for any bugs you encounter.

Go here to download the image: [RECOVERY] CWMR for Samsung SGHI847 (Rugby Smart)

This build requires you to have root access on your phone and adb on your computer. Download the recovery image and place it in your sdcard. Make sure that USB storage is off and USB debugging is on. Open your command prompt with adb and enter this:
adb shell
#dd if=/sdcard/CWMR_5x_SGHI847_recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13

This build also backups in the EXTERNAL sdcard due to the fact that trying to backup a theoretical maximum of .4GB of system and 1GB of data will practically take up all the space of the internal sdcard. (Internal sdcard is mounted as /internal) Assuming you did nothing but use recovery when you first obtain your phone, 2-3 backups can be done (about .5GB). But for usability, you would most likely be able to backup at most once with average use of apps and games with files in your internal sdcard. Ask utkanos if you want an internal sdcard build.

To backup your stock recovery, follow these commands first before doing installing CWM.
adb shell
#dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 of=/sdcard/stock_recovery.img


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