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Reminders/To do apps?


Android Enthusiast
Oct 6, 2012
Hey so I'm currently using Tasks for reminders and to-dos. But it's not the best app, don't get me wrong it's great bu it doesn't do all the stuff I want to do.

I moved to Android from iOS and that had a great Reminders App, also for the location and completed tasks automatically went to the Completed tabs leaving the uncompleted tasks clean and separate. I want an app that does these things:

1) Completed Tasks automatically go to another tab (completed tab) (High Priority)

2) Function for multiple reminders, e.g. for homework, one reminder few days before, one reminder one day before and one reminder just few minutes before the deadline. (High Priority)

3) Location Based reminders - on iOS there is an option for Location Based reminders so if I want it to remind me to get something from the mall whenever I go/visit it will be awesome. (Low-Medium Priority)


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