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Repeating text/sms alerts??


Feb 28, 2011
Ok, this is always the first thing I need to figure out when getting a new phone. For some reasons, the smart phone world didn't seem this as crucial, even though back in the day of traditional cell phones, it was a built in setting.

Anyway, I need to have my text messages, and hopefully voicemail and missed calls, have an audio alert and then repeat every x minutes until viewed or the alert cleared.

I get server down and similar text message alerts and need it to keep beeping until I wake up.

So, does either ICS or Samsung have this built in? If not, what's the best app for this that works with ICS? My preference would be a dedicated app rather than setting it up in tasker, assuming there is a reliable repeating alarms/alerts app that works with ICS.
Ok, this is always the first thing I need to figure out when getting a new phone. For some reasons, the smart phone world didn't seem this as crucial, even though back in the day of traditional cell phones, it was a built in setting.

Anyway, I need to have my text messages, and hopefully voicemail and missed calls, have an audio alert and then repeat every x minutes until viewed or the alert cleared.

I get server down and similar text message alerts and need it to keep beeping until I wake up.

So, does either ICS or Samsung have this built in? If not, what's the best app for this that works with ICS? My preference would be a dedicated app rather than setting it up in tasker, assuming there is a reliable repeating alarms/alerts app that works with ICS.


did you find a solutoin to this? i have the same issue, my personal phone runs vanilla android and this works ok, but work one is a s3 and doesnt, need alerts for server down and support

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did you find a solutoin to this? i have the same issue, my personal phone runs vanilla android and this works ok, but work one is a s3 and doesnt, need alerts for server down and support


I've been using "Missed Call Deluxe" and it works fairly well. It let's you set repeating alarms for SMS, voicemail and missed calls. These are enabled and configured independently of each other.
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