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Help Replacement again?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
Replacement phone is acting up. So I guess I will be going to a corporate store tomorrow. When I plug the charger in the screen acts up. Like the digitizer is going bad. Unplug and I'm good again. All the crap we talk about the big companies this is really no better. It feels like pay me now or pay me later. But you will pay. Got this phone in March like $350 replacement in June (I think) $32 now possibly in September. WTF I'm only going to get 3 months out of a phone. I'm kinda getting pissy.
The phone acted up all night long. Now I went to show the wife (to get permission for a new phone). It's not doing it. I even used the same charger. What to think is it good is it bad? I forgot to mention the past few days I have had 2 crash/reboots. I'm stock but rooted.
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Ok no replacement cuz the phone was all good when I got home. Now I'm back at work and guess what. You bet. I brought 2 chargers and tried 3 wall plugs. All of them screw up the phone. When a co worker comes in I will check with his phone too. They replaced a light fixture 2 days ago maybe they messed up the power. Everything else seems to work hmmm???
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