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Root [REQUEST] Possible unbrick method


Android Enthusiast
There is a possiblity that this device has the instruction androidboot.emmc=true in the bootloader which means at boot instructions are sent to the kernel to check sdcard for a bootable image. This happens at such a low level Galaxys4 device are being recovered from dead bricks states. I'd like to find out for sure since there are some dead devices sitting on desks all over, including mine. In order to confirm I need someone with some skills, time and patience to try a few things. You will need:

ADB and a rooted device
THIS FILE == parted
A 16gb sdcard minimum (16 and 32 are the ONLY known working sizes)

If you want to try this follow these instruction:
Boot device into recovery
Initialize a command shell in the parted root directory (Probably Downloads unless you move it):

adb shell mount system
adb push parted /system/bin
adb shell su
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 of=/mnt/extSdCard/aboot.mbn <- send me this file please
chmod a+x /system/bin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print <- this tells us what we want to see on the sdcard and how much of it we need for the recovery image

dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/unbrick_reverb.img bs=1024 count=71680 <- this command grabs the image

Now if you are using linux or have sygwyn installed you can do the next part.
Remove the sdcard from the device and put it into a reader. Issue the command: dmesg | tail
The output should show th sdcard and a list of partitions. If not you will have to use the dd command above until it returns the proper output. OR, you can send me the file and I can finish the process and test it here. Then, I will sell the sdcard to the highest bidder on ebay.
If you are not using linux OR if you verified the partitions follow the next steps.

Remove the battery from your dead Reverb.
Insert the sdcard.
Replace the battery.

If bool WIN!(yes, go),
the device will try to boot and may or may not. We are not grabbing the entire system. If it tries to boot at this point you will be able to once again boot into Download mode and use ODIN/Heimdall to flash the rest of the files to unbrick the deice.

You will run into two errors using parted. Chose Ignore both times. parted should print a very exact representation of the GPT (G-something Partition Table). Please pastebin that output for me, I want that bad boy. ALSO, in recovery the path to the sdcard might be sdcard or external-sd so that may have to be adjusted in the above commands.

If this works, I'll pick back up on CM for the device.

ALL love goes to kasp3rd and his OG thread is found here:
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