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Root Rezound rooting help/introduction

Hello my name is David and and I could really use some help rooting my HTC Rezound. I've been digging my hair out following many different tutorials and program downloads that epically fail for the last week now. Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm a total noob at this and to be honest I'm amazed I haven't bricked my phone yet. lol I can provide any info needed, just let me know. Root Checker Pro is telling me:
System File Properties for Root Access:
Standard Location
Check Command: Is -I/system/bin/su:
Result: -rwsr-sr-x root root 22228 2013-07-09 19:21 su
Analysis: Setuid attribute is present and root user ownership is present. Root access is correctly configured for this file. Executing this file can grant root access!

I have no idea how to execute said file... Thanks for any help in adavnce.
Here's the entire file.

Root Access is not properly configured or was not granted.

Super User Applications Status:
Superuser application - version 3.0.6 - is installed!
SuperSU application - version 1.41 - is installed!

System File Properties for Root Access:
Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/bin/su:
Result: -rwsr-sr-x root root 22228 2013-07-09 19:21 su
Analysis: Setuid attribute is present and root user ownership is present. Root access is correctly configured for this file! Executing this file can grant root access!

Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/su:
Result: lrwxrwxrwx root root 2013-07-09 19:21 su -> /system/bin/su
Analysis: File: su is a symbolic link pointing to another file: /system/bin/su

Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /sbin/su:
Result: /sbin/su: Permission denied
Analysis: File system permissions restricted and denied access.

Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/sudo:
Result: /system/xbin/sudo: No such file or directory
Analysis: File /system/xbin/sudo does not exist.

Root User ID and Group ID Status:
SU binary not found or not operating properly

System Environment PATH: /sbin /vendor/bin /system/sbin /system/bin /system/xbin

ADB Shell Default User:
ADB shell setting for standard access, stored in default.prop, is configured as: shell (non root) user - ro.secure=1

Results provided on your ADR6425LVW device by Root Checker Pro version 1.3.3
Hi Scotty and thanks for the help. I've been into recovery mode and went into developer menu and used the install su and superuser option if that's what you're reffering to? I followed that exact guide to the best of my knowledge. Well that and others and i still come up with the same outcome. The phone is currently unlocked aswell.
Hi Scotty and thanks for the help. I've been into recovery mode and went into developer menu and used the install su and superuser option if that's what you're reffering to? I followed that exact guide to the best of my knowledge. Well that and others and i still come up with the same outcome.

no,thats not what im refering to. the install su recovery option no longer works on newer builds. youll need to go to the link i gave,and use those directions.(they dont say anywhere to use a recovery option to install su ;))

superSU is a zip file that is flashed in recovery,in the same manner you would flash a rom(flash zip menu,choose zip,etc)
I'm so sorry for waisting your time man... that totally worked!!! Frustration (due to the fact I've been fighting with this for a week and I was one step away :P) and relief all at once. So appreciate the help man. HUGE THANKS :D
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