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Rezound vs. MAXX


Android Enthusiast
Should I keep my Rezound or use my son's available upgrade to get the MAXX? I like my Rezound, but I don't love it. (my son currently has an incredible, so I think he would like the Rezound, although he claims it's too big). What I don't love about my Rezound: camera, call quality when using my vehicles built-in Bluetooth (everyone says I'm hard to hear and it sounds like I'm screaming), and it doesn't work well with the facebook app...I'm always losing connection. I don't get the whole facebook issue, because I don't have trouble with other sites. Does that mean it's the app and not the phone?
have you tried your sons incredible for your vehicle bluetooth and see if the problem persists?

the maxx is a good phone, i wasnt to fond of it when i had it for 2 weeks(lack of development, and some data issues for me)

but it is still an amazing phone, if you can find someone with a razr, and have them let you play with it (the maxx is the same phone, just a bigger battery)
the facebook problem is more than likely the app. The facebook app for android has always been garbage on any phone.

you don't like the camera on it? man i thought the camera was awesome when i had it.
The Facebook app sucks, period. I uninstalled all updates to it, thus bringing it back to what it was like when I got my phone, and that solved nearly all my issues with it.

I loooooove my camera. Right up there with there iPhone 4S and such. The only thing I don't like about it is how the lens and flash are recessed a bit into the phone when I have my extended battery and gel cover on (I always do this). I just need to use my cleaning cloth on it that I keep in my pocket already.

If you don't want to get an extended battery for the phone, I'd get the Maxx.
I'm assuming that the MAXX is the same as the regular Razr, just with a bigger battery. If that's the case, then I can't recommend it. I had a friend who is tech savvy get the Razer. Nearly every day during his 2 week trial period we were talking trying to figure a slew of issues. Just, everything, the gamut. A bunch of them were head scratchers. On the last day of the trial period he took it back and got the Rezound and has been very happy. He's now what I would call a power user and is enjoying it. One of the the things he likes in the camera.
As far as I know, the Razr is exactly like the Maxx except for the battery and thickness...firmware, other hardware, all the same, so...

I have a Rez (rooted) and my wife has the Razr (non-rooted, she won't let me); here are my thoughts/comparisons/opinions:

- Razr just feels ergonomically bad in my hand, too wide, flat and sharp-cornered
- Rez HD screen just blows the Razr away
- Rez switches between 3g/4g and wifi quickly and effortlessly compared to her Razr and gets better download speeds side by side (excluding wifi)
- Camera works fine on both; most folks claim Rez rules on this, but I'm not much of camera phone guy...they are fine in a pinch, but that's why I spent a grand on a good dslr
- Can't comment much on rootability of Razr(see above) but rez is acquiring more options in that department as more devs get involved, s-off was achieved; just waiting on someone to crack RIL or have source released...that being said, I like her stock motorblur better than stock-sense, which is why I rooted because I'm not much of a sense fan...too resource intensive
- My Rez works fine with FB, her Razr always has problems, so I think that is just hit or miss
- Talking in my car on bluetooth I experience the same issues OP mentioned...just thought it was related to my rooted ROM, as I thought it was fine stock, but I didn't run it very long before rooting, so that may be a Rez thing.

I bought the phones at separate times, and hers several weeks earlier without any input from her, but she absolutely loves the Razr (but she came from an Eris, lol). I couldn't own a Razr after buying it for her, which is why I went to the Rez (coming from an Incredible). All things considered, I would probably wait for the Inc 4g, or whatever it is called if I could do it all over again...even the Rez is just a tad too big for me at times.
My son has a Razr Maxx and I have the Rezound. Performance-wise, Rezound scores better in the benchmarks, but I have yet to see an app where the performance difference was discernable.

The Droid Razr Maxx seems to be the first Android phone (post-Froyo, that I've seen at least) that Motorola hasn't screwed up. Pentile display, not such a big deal. My eyes aren't that good!

But the major trump card the Maxx has is battery life. We did an experiment. My son, who averages about 2 1/2 hours of talk time per day plus hundreds of text messages, plus plays apps like Angry Birds pretty frequently and read a 600-page book on it, so I'd consider him a heavy user, did not charge his Maxx for 2 days, no settings tweaks, auto-brightness, etc. At the end of the first night, he had 80% battery left :eek: At the end of the second night, he had 50% (Maxx only reports in 10% increments, so it was between 50-60%. YMMV, but everyone including me in my household is jealous of his Maxx. If you're one who gets near a charger for periods of time > 10 mins or so frequently, this might not matter so much to you, but to me, the battery life makes the Maxx irresistable.
I have both a Rezound and RAZR, not the Maxx.

IMO the RAZR, Maxx is a better overall phone. As of right now regretting getting rid of my G Nex for the Rezound.

I see ppl mention the Rezound having a better screen, blowing the RAZR's away, having an amazing screen. I have yet to see this amazing screen. And I had 2 Rezounds since 1-14....that right there tells part of the story.

If call quality is important.....get the Maxx. From volume issues to noise cancellation issues to reception issues....my RAZR is better. There are some thing I dont like about Sense UI too. One is I cant long press on icons and uninstall. I can on my RAZR. No 3rd party apps, all UI related.

I do think the Rezound has the better camera tho.
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