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Ring door bell app

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Are you sure the problem is with your phone or the Ring app? Do you have any other mobile device or computer to confirm the problem is definitely with your phone or app? If other devices are working OK with your doorbell it's probably not an issue with your S6 but the Ring doorbell or perhaps it just needs to get reconnected to your home network. If you check your routers settings page there's most likely going to be a menu option showing which devices are connected to it, is your Ring doorbell listed there?
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Hmmm maybe it's because you have an older device. Has the app been updated recently? If so maybe the new update will not work properly. As devices get older app developers are forced to keep their apps updated to the latest android version make it harder for things to work on older devices.

Also you may want to try and get into contact with Ring and see id they can help.
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