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Root Roaming List... *228 not working

I have to travel across the US and i tried to update my roaming list, so i dialed *228.

It's asking to activate my phone....

How can i update my roaming list?

Did you use the stock dialer? If not then tht could be the issue, I just tried using contact+ and I had the same issue so I tried the stock dialer and it went through.
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I went to ND from FL...2,400 miles one way then back through SD...5,300 miles total. I was using roaming services through Verizon for 70% of the trip and got data access only while i was already back to FL...even got some areas with no services at all!

Data through WiFi (in hotels and buildings) did work but Gmail was not synchronizing until i came back to FL. That was the big surprise, i though sync could happen through WiFi but it didn't....a glitch within #2 v1.4?
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