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Rogers 911/Sense UI Update: Post your problems here

So I posted about my friend whose phone wasn't working some time ago. Sorry I'm late on the update. She got it into a Rogers store, and after a short wait, she said, they gave her phone back, working. She was told the battery wasn't sitting in its place. Yes sir. For 2 months, no such problem at all. Phone updated, 3 days later (full of reboots), battery decided to jump away. The problem is she didn't know how to open the phone cover (which was the first thing I told her to do), so she had to go to a Rogers store. Yea right, battery not sitting in its place.

Any Dream owners here that had the battery "slip away?" Just look at the design of the phone! There's nowhere the battery can go. Share your experience :D Has anyone's Dream ever stopped working and needed to be power-cycled? Or their battery ever run away?
Here's my problem, I have an updated Magic but if I SIM a different phone I'll eventually get data cutoff. I'm under a business account and have a variety of phones available and expect to be able to use any of them without fear of getting locked out. Are they cutting people off if they SIM an iPhone for example? Or even another Magic that happens to be rooted but isn't the device on contract? can they prevent you from using an unlocked or otherwise not a contract phone?
So I posted about my friend whose phone wasn't working some time ago. Sorry I'm late on the update. She got it into a Rogers store, and after a short wait, she said, they gave her phone back, working. She was told the battery wasn't sitting in its place. Yes sir. For 2 months, no such problem at all. Phone updated, 3 days later (full of reboots), battery decided to jump away. The problem is she didn't know how to open the phone cover (which was the first thing I told her to do), so she had to go to a Rogers store. Yea right, battery not sitting in its place.

Any Dream owners here that had the battery "slip away?" Just look at the design of the phone! There's nowhere the battery can go. Share your experience :D Has anyone's Dream ever stopped working and needed to be power-cycled? Or their battery ever run away?
my dream suffered a similar occurance. it was locked, blacked out and wouldnt work. i took off my back plate and took out the battery and restarted it and seemed to clear the freeze up or what ever it was that had happened.

and i dont know if this is a problem or what i should call it but. as many of you magic owners know by the top speaker where u listen to calls where the LED's are there are 2. one on the right and one on the left. only one of my LED's are working. the right one. it works as the dreams does, orange when charging, green when complete, and purple when u have a notification. my cousin has a hero from telus and he has sense on his and his LED's work differently the right one is his charging light, ie/ tells if ur fully charged or still charging and his left is a notification light. is that a bug on our magics or am i just over looking this?
my dream suffered a similar occurance. it was locked, blacked out and wouldnt work. i took off my back plate and took out the battery and restarted it and seemed to clear the freeze up or what ever it was that had happened.

and i dont know if this is a problem or what i should call it but. as many of you magic owners know by the top speaker where u listen to calls where the LED's are there are 2. one on the right and one on the left. only one of my LED's are working. the right one. it works as the dreams does, orange when charging, green when complete, and purple when u have a notification. my cousin has a hero from telus and he has sense on his and his LED's work differently the right one is his charging light, ie/ tells if ur fully charged or still charging and his left is a notification light. is that a bug on our magics or am i just over looking this?

OK so it's been confirmed now. Mike, get your list :D
my dream suffered a similar occurance. it was locked, blacked out and wouldnt work. i took off my back plate and took out the battery and restarted it and seemed to clear the freeze up or what ever it was that had happened.

and i dont know if this is a problem or what i should call it but. as many of you magic owners know by the top speaker where u listen to calls where the LED's are there are 2. one on the right and one on the left. only one of my LED's are working. the right one. it works as the dreams does, orange when charging, green when complete, and purple when u have a notification. my cousin has a hero from telus and he has sense on his and his LED's work differently the right one is his charging light, ie/ tells if ur fully charged or still charging and his left is a notification light. is that a bug on our magics or am i just over looking this?

I have never noticed a Purple LED on the left side of my Magic for notifications pre or post upgrade. I see where there is an LED but have never seen it light up. Just the one on the right side - Green for a message and Orange when charging.
I have never noticed a Purple LED on the left side of my Magic for notifications pre or post upgrade. I see where there is an LED but have never seen it light up. Just the one on the right side - Green for a message and Orange when charging.
i may be mixing the purple light with an ebuddy msg. but still i do not see why they put a non working LED on the left side when on their (HTC) hero it works to notify even when charging.
Lately I have discovered that (especially while in motion like going to and from work) that the phone will deregister from the network and then displays a prompt to chosen operator. The options are Fido, Bell, Telus.

There is no indication when the phone deregisters (unlike when you are connecting to data while roaming). From a practical pov this means that during the time that I don't notice the phone has deregistered I can't make or receive calls (not even 911).

Let's recap, my phone is constantly in Roaming mode - clearly Rogers asked HTC to include something in the firmware that doesn't recognize Fido sim cards. The effect of this is that the phone periodically deregisters from the network. Only via visual inspection is this detected, meaning that you could potentially go for hours thinking your phone is working, whilst missing a ton of calls. Also if ever this happens and you need to make a 911 call you need to wait for the phone to register back on the network which might or might not work fast enough for the situation.
Hi all. Just joined this forum entirely because of this most recent Roger's massive Customer Service screw-up. My wife has an HTC Dream, and I have the Magic, and up until 3 weeks ago, we've both loved these phones.
I've now deleted what I was going write next three times in an attempt to avoid running off on a mindless rant. I can assure you, a number of mindless rants have been running through my head for some time, now.
I suppose it's just easier to add our respective problems to the list...

HTC Dream
- Now won't hold a charge for any significant time. As a 'for instance': The battery was fully charged and with absolutely no activity but for a 20 minute, local call, the battery died in 3 hours. Usage habits haven't changed and all settings (GPS, WiFi, etc.) are the same pre- and post-update.
- Alarm clock absolutely refuses to work under any conditions unless the screen is active at the time the alarm is supposed to go off. Thus, the phone's screen has to be illuminated all night (making sleep rather difficult, at times), and with the phone's decreased stamina would kill the battery in one hour (though this problem is gotten around due to the fact that it can't last out the day to begin with, so it's naturally on the charger EVERY night).
- Frequently, when my wife sends a text message, it will send the text with no problem, but also send a blank message immediately following.
- On the topic of text messages, it turns out now text messages seem to be getting deleted. There's one contact in particular from whom she would most definitely NOT delete messages, and she's lost approximately three and a half months of messages. She tells me now that this has happened to other text conversations as well.
- And, of course, generally slower to react. Whether opening apps, sliding from one home screen to the next, rotating the screen when the keyboard is opened, basically doing anything at all with the phone takes nearly twice as long as it did pre-update.

HTC Magic
- Battery life is most definitely shorter than it was, though not nearly so drastic a change as in the Dream. Again, no significant change in usage habits, settings are the same pre- and post-update... battery's just not making it as long anymore. I used to be able to make it two days before having to charge the phone before going to bed after the second day. Now if I don't plug it in EVERY night before going to sleep, it'll be dead before I wake up in the morning (which will be late since we both use our phones as alarm clocks).
- Anytime I make a voice call, when I try to hang up, whether I hit the physical button or the on-screen "End Call" button, the phone will initially react as though the call is ended. However the green phone icon will still be in the notification bar, indicating that the call is still active. Seconds later the screen will revert to the active call screen. This has happened twice today and at least two other time since the update (don't voice call often, as I have little opportunity to use my phone at work).
- I frequently lose service, both data and voice in areas that I've always had full bars and consistent 3G connectivity pre-update. Moreover I'm getting data-roaming notifications (and the 'R' over the signal bars... that's normal service roaming too, right?) in many of those same locations. Again, no problems with this in the past 5 months in these same areas prior to the update.
- And the requisite general sluggishness. VERY slow to open apps, whether added from the Marketplace or pre-loaded. ALL apps, EVERY time take a number of seconds to open when they used to snap open almost before I could move my finger from in front of the screen. Further to this, while typing out a text message it frequently likes to freeze entirely while I continue to type. Then it'll catch up to the 8-10 characters that I've managed to type a few seconds later. EXTREMELY irritating when you don't know if you've made a typo and need to wait before it displays the characters.

Now that I've got all that out of the way I should let you all know that both these phones were un-rooted Android 1.5 phones. Had I even been aware of what I could have done with a rooted phone I would have been all over it, but I guess I don't even have that option anymore... I haven't checked Bluetooth at all yet, though I intend to, since when I do use it, I absolutely need to use it. Also, driving while talking on the phone without a hands-free device is illegal here.

My wife has come to completely mis-trust her phone (rightly so, since it seems Rogers doesn't care about the Dream anymore either), and I've quickly come to wish for my old, happy, and fast Magic back, too.

(And on a side-note to Rogers: offering this waiver to sign now is too little, too late. It doesn't undo your Big Brother update, thus I am still not allowed the freedom to customize my phone to suit my needs/desires.)
since the 911 update i'm getting a "Message not sent" message on about 30-40% of my outgoing text messages.

its incredibly annoying, and it rarely happened pre-911 update.

(HTC Dream, btw)
A quick suggestion to everyone experiencing problems with their HTC _MAGIC_ after the 911 update.

Disable Sense UI for a day or two and see if you continue to have these problems. I have a feeling many of the issues may be cause by Sense UI.

Go to Settings > Applications > Application Manager.

Scroll down to "HTC Sense" and select.

Uncheck "Default"

Press the Home button on your phone. You will be asked to choose a new default "home". Choose the regular Android home.

You will only have three screens again, and many of the widgets likely won't work, but you will be able to determine which issues are caused by Sense UI.
A quick suggestion to everyone experiencing problems with their HTC _MAGIC_ after the 911 update.

Disable Sense UI for a day or two and see if you continue to have these problems. I have a feeling many of the issues may be cause by Sense UI.

Go to Settings > Applications > Application Manager.

Scroll down to "HTC Sense" and select.

Uncheck "Default"

Press the Home button on your phone. You will be asked to choose a new default "home". Choose the regular Android home.

You will only have three screens again, and many of the widgets likely won't work, but you will be able to determine which issues are caused by Sense UI.

I've tried to switch to the original interface and test the custom rings. Didn't work.
I've got 2 major bugs that have popped up exclusively after the update (Dream):

1. If I'm listening to music using the stock music program (I dl'd another music program, same problem), and I pause the track--the next sound of any kind: hitting play, next track, a notification, or a phone call, will RESET the phone. Not only that, but IT KEEPS RESETTING every time a sound would be made. This continues for a few hours afterwards. I've tried taking the battery out afterwords and waiting, but nothing can prevent the audio-triggered reboot loop. This is a MAJOR issue for me, because I use this phone as my MP3 player every day.

2. Sometimes my data turns off. It comes back on if I restart my phone, but I only know to restart my phone if I've noticed that the data is off. This is irritating, but not as horrifically irritating as issue #1.
I've got 2 major bugs that have popped up exclusively after the update (Dream):

1. If I'm listening to music using the stock music program (I dl'd another music program, same problem), and I pause the track--the next sound of any kind: hitting play, next track, a notification, or a phone call, will RESET the phone. Not only that, but IT KEEPS RESETTING every time a sound would be made. This continues for a few hours afterwards. I've tried taking the battery out afterwords and waiting, but nothing can prevent the audio-triggered reboot loop. This is a MAJOR issue for me, because I use this phone as my MP3 player every day.

2. Sometimes my data turns off. It comes back on if I restart my phone, but I only know to restart my phone if I've noticed that the data is off. This is irritating, but not as horrifically irritating as issue #1.

Have you tried calling tech support for a resolution? I know that Rogers tch support can be a crap shoot, but we have to jump through the hoops first before elevating so we can at least prove that we tried.

Make sure, when you call, to ask for TWO very important things; 1. the tech's employee # 9along with name), and 2. a call reference #.

This info is important because if/when we elevate the issue, these numbers will help prove that the issue was reported to Rogers.
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