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Rogers LG Eve Android Update

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So, @RogersMary just informed me that LG has told them that they'll be receiving the update in Early September.

Not happy about that one. Have asked whether this is going to be 1.6 or higher. Waiting to hear back from them.

I do hope that if it's going to be that long that it's something higher than 1.6. Seems like a long time to wait for an upgrade IMO.

By the way, first post on here. Have been reading with interest but never had reason to post until now.

I received an email from an lg spokesperson today and yes Rogers won't be getting the update for testing until early september. I was also informed that "Due to the technical limitation of the device, lg will not be looking at updating the EVEpast 1.6

So I have confirmation:

@naschmid It should be 1.6. Anytime Nicholas, if I have the answer I'm happy to share :)

Looks like we'll be waiting a bit yet.
I am attempting to run the updater on my XP box and after I have installed the USB driver successfully (as far as I can tell), I can never manage to start updating. It always says that the phone is disconnected (whether I have the SD card in or not, whether I mounted the drive from the phone or not). When I tried to read phone info, it says "Port(or device) not found".

Any ideas?

Safely disconnect and unmount your phone. Go to settings on phone. Select SD card and phone storage. Unclick "mass storage only". Plug in phone again and re-start the update process.
Hey, has anyone still had keyboard issues since the firmware upgrade? I completed it, I thought successfully, but my keyboard (the space key specifically) hasn't gotten worse since it.

I received an email from an lg spokesperson today and yes Rogers won't be getting the update for testing until early september. I was also informed that "Due to the technical limitation of the device, lg will not be looking at updating the EVEpast 1.6

please could you tell me what "technical limitation" they mean!!!!

HTC Magic has the same processor speed 528Mhz and RAM and is updated to 2.0!!!!
I thinbk that LG a lazy thats all!!!! :(
please could you tell me what "technical limitation" they mean!!!!

HTC Magic has the same processor speed 528Mhz and RAM and is updated to 2.0!!!!
I thinbk that LG a lazy thats all!!!! :(

"Technical limitations" was what I was told in the email that I received. Sorry but I can't break it down any further because that's all the information that I was given.
sorry...Hope this is not stupid question. I am new to android and read that the eve would have the 1.6 upgrade in the spring...however summer is here and I cannot find it anywhere on the Rogers site...I also read that we should not upgrade to the 1.6 if we plan on running 2.0/2.1? Is that true? I find all this rooting stuff complicated and confusing. Seems like you have to be a computer programmer to understand any of this. So to recap...Is the update to 1.6 out yet and should I even put it on? Or should we wait for 2.*? Oh and what does rooting do exactly? From what I understand during my research is that rooting enables you to delete apps? is that all? Sorry guys ....I did some searching however could not get enough info to satisfy my curiosity...I also just bought an Iphone as well...I love phones and have too many to list...lol Thanks and cheers....

sorry...Hope this is not stupid question. I am new to android and read that the eve would have the 1.6 upgrade in the spring...however summer is here and I cannot find it anywhere on the Rogers site...I also read that we should not upgrade to the 1.6 if we plan on running 2.0/2.1? Is that true? I find all this rooting stuff complicated and confusing. Seems like you have to be a computer programmer to understand any of this. So to recap...Is the update to 1.6 out yet and should I even put it on?


Just in this thread buddy! Actually just up this page.
sorry...Hope this is not stupid question. I am new to android and read that the eve would have the 1.6 upgrade in the spring...however summer is here and I cannot find it anywhere on the Rogers site...

Apparently, the 1.6 image is going to be released today (July 26th), but it likely wont be made available to Roger's customers before Sept/Oct. from what I've read in other forums.

I also read that we should not upgrade to the 1.6 if we plan on running 2.0/2.1? Is that true?

From reading the hackers forums, the opinion on this issue seems to go back and forth. The problem, as far as I understand it, is that the "secret code" that allows you to root your phone is being changed in each release. Unless someone "leaks" the secret code, you are stuck with what you have. The secret code is well known for 1.5, but it is not known for 1.6... so if you upgrade to 1.6, and if the secret code is never leaked, then you're stuck! However, I suspect that the secret code for 1.6 will eventually be known :-)

I find all this rooting stuff complicated and confusing. Seems like you have to be a computer programmer to understand any of this. So to recap...Is the update to 1.6 out yet and should I even put it on? Or should we wait for 2.*? Oh and what does rooting do exactly? From what I understand during my research is that rooting enables you to delete apps? is that all? Sorry guys ....I did some searching however could not get enough info to satisfy my curiosity...I also just bought an Iphone as well...I love phones and have too many to list...lol Thanks and cheers....

In the LG Eve hackers forum (xda-developers) someone has apparently just managed to get 2.1 working on their Eve... albeit not perfectly (the phone doesn't work, and various other things don't work... but it boots! LOL!). If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath that we will ever get an OFFICIAL release of 2.1 or 2.2 for the LG Eve... ever! So... *if* the hackers are successful in getting a 2.* version running, the only way you're going to get it running on your phone will be to root the phone. It wont be a trivial thing, and it will be "at your own risk"...
just spoke to LG Canada about the Eve: said a FIRMWARE (android o/s) UPDATE has been released and should be available on both Rogers and LG Canada's websites by late September 2010. I asked what o/s was released: "I'm sorry we don't have that information..." wth, shouldn't they know what's out if it's going to be available to consumers soon?!

@rogersmary, where you at?
So, just heard back from RogersMary...the update is now not coming to Rogers for testing until early October, so yet another pushback.

It's starting to get hard to want to stick on this phone will all these delays...Can't wait for the Captivate :D
So, @RogersMary just informed me that LG has told them that they'll be receiving the update in Early September.

Not happy about that one. Have asked whether this is going to be 1.6 or higher. Waiting to hear back from them.

I do hope that if it's going to be that long that it's something higher than 1.6. Seems like a long time to wait for an upgrade IMO.

By the way, first post on here. Have been reading with interest but never had reason to post until now.

LOL! LG/Rogers is probably waiting for the android hackers to get it working so that they can "steal" it :-) The guys at openetna have Android 2.1 running almost perfectly on the LG Eve already, and are well on their way to getting 2.2 running! <disclaimer>I have not tried their build</disclaimer> but a lot of people have, and it seems to work really well (other than a few niggling bugs that they are still working on).

If RogersMary tells you that it isn't possible to run 2.1 or 2.2 on the Eve, just call her a L _ _ R because it clearly IS possible... unfortunately, you have to hack your phone to do it. The openetna website is getting better with their documentation, though! It's getting easier every day!!

EDIT: Note that the main guy who is developing the code is nik'd "Polytheus"... there's a link in the top-right of the screen to give him "tips" to thank him for his hard work! I have no idea who he is, but hell... I'm going to drop him a few bucks once I do the upgrade on my phone!!
The guys at openetna have Android 2.1 running almost perfectly on the LG Eve already, and are well on their way to getting 2.2 running! <disclaimer>I have not tried their build</disclaimer>

Update: openEtna has just released their first build of Android 2.2 for the LG gw620. I have now tried it personally, and can confirm that it is getting close to full-functionality. Things that don't work (that I noticed) are:

1) No bluetooth at all
2) Video camera doesn't work
3) No graphic acceleration (which simply means it's a teeny bit slow, but that's hardly noticeable IMO)
4) Volume controls on the phone don't work

everything else was, so far, perfect! It connected to the Rogers network immediately on boot-up with no fuss, and both wifi and GPS worked like a charm. Love the new interface! :-) :-) Polytheus is still working on resolving those four issues.

So, if those four things don't matter to you, and if you are brave enough to hack your phone, then head over to openEtna and grab the update! NOTA BENE - do NOT expect Rogers to ever support you phone again once you do this, though! LOL! (and that's not unreasonable :-) ).

Enjoy your Android 2.2!
Update: openEtna has just released their first build of Android 2.2 for the LG gw620. I have now tried it personally, and can confirm that it is getting close to full-functionality. Things that don't work (that I noticed) are:

1) No bluetooth at all
2) Video camera doesn't work
3) No graphic acceleration (which simply means it's a teeny bit slow, but that's hardly noticeable IMO)
4) Volume controls on the phone don't work

everything else was, so far, perfect! It connected to the Rogers network immediately on boot-up with no fuss, and both wifi and GPS worked like a charm. Love the new interface! :-) :-) Polytheus is still working on resolving those four issues.

So, if those four things don't matter to you, and if you are brave enough to hack your phone, then head over to openEtna and grab the update! NOTA BENE - do NOT expect Rogers to ever support you phone again once you do this, though! LOL! (and that's not unreasonable :-) ).

Enjoy your Android 2.2!

have you gotten nandroid to work?
i've tried and tried, but i keep getting 'adb not in path'.
i won't flash a rom unless i can get nandroid to work, and i really want to try 2.2 on my eve. haha
have you gotten nandroid to work?
i've tried and tried, but i keep getting 'adb not in path'.
i won't flash a rom unless i can get nandroid to work, and i really want to try 2.2 on my eve. haha

I was completely unable to use adb from the Windows environment because the LG modem drivers that are being provided by Rogers/LG right now don't function on Windows 7 (the firmware update software provided by Rogers also doesn't function for the same reason... in fact, oddly enough, "Rogers" is not a provider listed in the "chose your provider" menu in the update-helper software currently being provided from the Rogers website! LOLOL! Sigh, the quality of service from Rogers is priceless :rolleyes: )

I had no problem using adb from Linux, though!

Cezegg, I just realized that I didn't answer your question properly. No, I have not tried running Nandroid (yet!) so I don't know if it works or not. I guess I'm just happy risking 'bricking' my phone LOL! So far so good!

b.t.w. the latest release of 2.2 from openetna solves the volume control problem. I just flashed it this morning and it was perfect. Still no Bluetooth, though.

Polytheus... squashing bugs one-at-a-time!

I was playing with the voice-control last night and that seems to work really nicely - great fun! (except for composing emails by voice, but apparently that doesn't work well even on phones that come pre-loaded with 2.2... it's a long-standing bug in Google's voice-to-text server connection, as far as I can tell from the chatter on the web)

Enjoy Froyo!

I contacted LG with regards to my problems connecting my phone and I got the following reply:

"Unfortunately the current software does not support Windows 7 and as such you cannot update the phone from your PC."

Doesn't sound like they are going to make any attempt to move forward with it either.

I am so frustrated with LG at this point I am considering attempting to root (brick?) the darned thing after reading the discussion over in the Eve forum. I know nothing about these things but I'll learn fast ... one way or another. I guess I'll have to dig out my old vista machine and see if it still boots though. I'm kicking myself for removing linux from my netbook!

Thanks for the discussion(s) I'm learning a lot.
"Unfortunately the current software does not support Windows 7 and as such you cannot update the phone from your PC."

Further to this: After installing Android 2.2, I plugged my device into my Windows 7 PC (to charge) and, surprise surprise, it automatically downloaded the correct drivers from the Windows 7 update site!!

Apparently, the drivers are OS-specific... the ones for 2.2 work, but not the ones for 1.5. (though I cannot guarantee that the ones for 2.2 work either, since I didn't try to fiddle with the phone using them, but I assume they will work given that they were auto-downloaded and passed installation)

I'm kicking myself for removing linux from my netbook!

Never ever ever remove Linux ;-) ;-)
Further to this: After installing Android 2.2, I plugged my device into my Windows 7 PC (to charge) and, surprise surprise, it automatically downloaded the correct drivers from the Windows 7 update site!!

Apparently, the drivers are OS-specific... the ones for 2.2 work, but not the ones for 1.5. (though I cannot guarantee that the ones for 2.2 work either, since I didn't try to fiddle with the phone using them, but I assume they will work given that they were auto-downloaded and passed installation)

That is the best news I've heard in a long time! Hurrah to the Dev group.

Never ever ever remove Linux ;-) ;-)

Yes, I know but I couldn't run an essential Windows program so I was forced to install XP) I've still got the install CD's it is just a matter of putting it back on (which is much simpler than XP).

I'm thinking of doing a test run on my old HTC Touch (Elf) and see if I can root that without bricking it. Then I might be a bit braver with the Eve.

Thanks again everyone for all the reviews and encouragement.
I just finally successfully did the firmware update to V10f on the Eve, and I gotta say it did nothing for me.

Home and Back buttons are still too damn sensitive, Touch screen in general is pitchy and responds like sh*t, and I've already encountered the Black Screen of death within 24 hrs of applying the update.

Definitely not worth the 3-4 hrs I spent trying to do the update on 3 different computers (one XP, and 2 running windows 7).

Where the heck is the 1.6 update Rogers and LG ?!?!?!?!
Just providing an update to you guys. I know that OpenEtna is out, but we also need to keep LG honest.

I just spoke with someone at LG and asked him about where the 1.6 update for the Eve stands, the official update.

He mentioned to me that the update was provided to Rogers a while back and that Rogers is validating the update to make sure that it works with their network and adheres to CRTC laws, etc. Upon asking whether the update also needed to be sent to Google for verification, the gentlemen said he doesn't know but if other carriers are required to then he "is sure" that LG would send it to Google for approval as well.

As it relates to when the update will be made, he is not sure but he is going to follow up and get me a response on Monday. I will post the response here and ask MJSchmidt to put it up on iwantmyonepointsix.com as well as on leavenodroidbehind.com.

The update as he mentioned will be made available as a download from LG. The timing of when this is going to happen is not confirmed.

As it stands, Rogers has the update to the Eve and they are testing it. When they will be done, only God (if one exists) knows!
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