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Root {ROM DEVELOPERS}Must read

LG p500 has atleast 20 roms. Or more.. I would say each one is best in its own way.. one gives better battery and other performance..
But cm7 is the best and we don't even have official port..
Better. Roms will be developed only when you have proper source.. once we get a custom kernel cm7 will be ported.. then no need of other roms
I will also agree partially...
I donot agree that everyone should focus on CM..

If a ROM has considerable performance changes, the developer should release it..
But if it is just visual effects or minor changes, it would be better just to post a flashable zip. As it will have low size and all users can easily use it..

Like, for flash player support, if it is possible to just create a small flashable zip,
then that would be more preferrable.
^^ ofcourse.. +1.. instead of making a multitude of custom roms, our devs can focus on improving a single stable rom..
Ya i agree on it... but untill and unless we have kernel source released...... we must try to build atleast a single perfect rom with no bugs :)
^^ let me guess.. Asevenmaxx, Hybrid1, Hybrid2, Hybrid3.. Not saying you should stop making roms, but instead of making this many, u should just had improved on a single one
Dont take this negatively :P
I won't take it negatively....
But think i have just made 2 rom's :P

I am just upgrading and adding the new things whiever i discover the new verisons are improvedd one's only ... and if u seek hybridv1 its also update of asevmaxx i have written there.
^^ what you can do next time is update the existing Hybrid III and upload it and edit your first post in that thread instead of making a new one..
I agree on the CM7 part. The hardest part is the kernel. If we get the kernel alright, every ROM will fall in its place(Read: CyanogenMod, Oxygen, MIUI). I have started developing a CM7 port for A70. Let me see how far I can take it.
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