Android Expert
Setting the bar. Again.
Velocity is a free Android 2.2.1 Froyo ROM built for the LG Ally which greatly extends the speed and capabilities of your phone.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Velocity is no longer a one-man show. I partnered up with Getitnowmarketing and Savoxis, two of the very best and well known developers in the Ally community, to form the new Velocity team. Our goal forming this elite team was to produce a fast, reliable, and feature packed custom ROM experience never before seen by the Ally. That end result was Velocity V1.0.
* VS740ZVD FRG83D Android 2.2.1 Froyo Base
* Fully zipaligned and deodexed system
* Init.d boot sequence
* Full sysctl support using sysctl.conf
* Huge gallery of static wallpapers
* Tons of tweaks to increase performance and battery life
* Google DNS for a faster and safer online experience
* System audio from the Droid X
* Longer duration between wifi scans
* Increased Dalvik VM heapsize
* Ads blocked by default in apps and browser
* Velocity boot animation
* Velocity initlogo
* System mounted as read/write at all times
* ADB shell runs as root by default
* Stagefright enabled
* HW acceleration enabled
* Disabled 3G Mobile Hotspot
* Reboot and recovery options in power menu
* Smartass is the default governor
* Heavily modified ramdisk
* Slightly modified complete Gingerbread theme
* Very fast and responsive!
Tools and Utilities:
* Bash
* Busybox
* Nano Text Editor
* SQLite3
* All the latest Google Applications
* DSPManager
* Music Mod
* Gingerbread Keyboard
* Gingerbreak Launcher2 (built from source)
* OI File Manager (built from source)
* Notepad (built from source)
* Sound Recorder (built from source)
* Spare Parts (built from source)
* Terminal Emulator (built from source)
* Velocity Tips widget (built from source)
* Wired Tether & Wireless Tether (built from source with extensive changes required for LG)
-- Support was added for AP (infastructure mode) so now devices like Android phones & Archos can connect that couldn't in previously in Ad-Hoc mode.
-- A magic Samsung FW was also found that was needed for this.
-- These apps are free to use and not trackable to carrier tethering plans and caps so tether away.
Kernel Notes:
* Overclockable to 864mhz (if phone supports it)
* Added Interactive & Smartass Governor
* Synced up from to with Linux mainline
* Uses USB gadget drivers vs. USB function drivers.
* Compatibilty with RNDIS wired tether and Supports AP mode wifi-tether (requires included tethering applications)
* Uses BFQ as default I/O scheduler
* Ext4 and NFS support built in
* Added tun.ko and cifs.ko as modules
-- See here for guide to using CFIS
* GPL Source:
All the Velocity scripts have been carefully packaged into one powerful menu-driven package, allowing you to easilly access individual features without having to remember confusing syntax. A new OTA updating system has been incorporated in the script so new features can be added and bugs can be squashed easily and quickly. Just type "velocity" in a rooted terminal and we do the rest!
Script features include:
* OTA Updatable Scripts
* Overclocking Script
* Froyo A2SD Configuration
* Downloadable Fonts
* System App Backup and Removal
* Show or block ADs
* And much more to come!
- First time flashing Velocity to your Ally (or coming from an Eclair ROM)?
1. If you have not already done so, you must apply 2.2.1 Froyo officially using this guide before you can use this ROM
2. If you have not already done so, root your device and install GNM's amonra style recovery
3. Preform a Nandroid backup!
4. Wipe all userdata
5. Install the ROM
How to report bugs or problems?
Open an issue on Velocity's Google Code page!
- Was it a hard reboot? Get me the file "/proc/last_kmsg".
- Was it a soft reboot or a "boot loop"? Run "adb logcat" and get me the full output.
- Pastebin links preferred
Latest version: 1.0
Md5Sum: 620d0a5be12a48ba47f5a2587254471f
Please do not PM me or any other of the developers for support - that's what the forums and the #ally IRC channel are for.
Thank you to EVERYONE involved in helping with testing, developing, debugging and scripting! Enjoy!
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Trident Getitnowmarketing Savoxis