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Rooting problem - EzeeTab 7D13-S


Hello everyone! I am not sure if this is the right thread to post it on, but I hope it is.

I am new member here at PHAndroid and very much a noob when it comes to development/rooting matters on Android. Nevertheless, I do try working around my difficulties :p

I was recently given a Storex Ezee Tab 7D13-S and since I already dabbed a bit in rooting - successfully rooted a Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and that's my only rooting experience right there...), but I was excited to try rooting this device as well. How wrong I was!

I searched high and low on the internets and there were no tutorials, no links, no drivers, no ADB thingies, no nothing that I could work with to try root this thing. However, I managed to install the SDK tools, Fastboot and whatnot, but for the love of all that is holy, I still get errors. Look, I know I know nothing about this (because I don't! - I'm just playing by ear in here) but it seems to me this is one unrootable device and for me that is quite frustrating! :(

Now the question(s):
-Does anyone in here has/had one and could you provide some insight on this?
-What suggestions/other things could I do to make this thing work?
-Should I abandon all hope and (if I still want to use a tablet) purchase one of the big names?

Sorry for the long ramble, but many thanks in advance!
There's a root program called TowelRoot (don't ask me why, I don't know) that takes advantage of a security hole in Linux itself, so it should work on most Android devices. Try it. Towel Root
Hello Rukbat and thank you for your prompt reply! :)

I followed your advice and tried TowelRoot, but didn't do a thing. The tablet merely rebooted after using the app and still no root access. I will keep trying (and waiting) until a possible solution comes forth.
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