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Help Router security causing drops?

Just go and ask them point blank - they'll probably tell you you're not supposed to be connected to it, but there is a small chance they may actually work with you to try to figure out what is wrong, b/c it might actually be a symptom of a larger problem with their hardware, and they sure would like advanced notice of this.

But, if you're not supposed to be connected to it in the first place, well, I think you know where that will get you.
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First off, you should tell them not to use WEP, it's inherently flawed in its security design, easy to steal the key in a few minutes... back to your question, are you actually getting some internet and then it cuts out? Typically from a security standpoint unless they are bandwidth monitoring it shouldn't work and then not work. Your cell shouldn't be creating enough bandwidth to get flagged, and doubtful they have a setting like that enabled if they are using wep. Original point being, it should be all or nothing, if you don't get internet its probably because they have it locked down with a rule like mac filters.
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Use WiFi Analyzer - AML to see what is going on on your phone. If the signal seems to keep fluctuating greatly, as in it roller coasters from -80 to -35 to -80 to -35 repeatedly, then find a similar app you can use at home on a Laptop and see if the connection really *is* doing that - 'cause if it is not doing it for the laptop and it is doing it for the phone, you may have justification for a replacement phone.
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