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Help Running Apps get "minimized" when opening other apps


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
Cleveland, OH
If I've got an app open (say a Browser, or Waze... anything) and I open another app (even if a text comes in and I read it via the pulldown/notification bar), once I back out of the second app (with the Back button) it always takes me back to the home screen, as opposed to the initial app.

On other phones I've had, backing out of a secondary app would always take me right back to where I was, not to Home. More like a MS Windows based environment... The apps don't all minimize after you close or minimize another app.

I'm on Blu Kuban, but I'm 99% sure I saw this behavior from stock/day1. Is this typical ICS functionality or is it something I can adjust. I searched but wasn't able to find anything on this.

Thanks in advance!
I am on FK23 JB. If I am in an app (say dolphin browser) and i pull dotn the notification bar and select a message (email or SMS etc) or even an app like my call blocker when i back out of that app it goes right back to the browser. Now if I have hit the home button to get to the second app when I back out of that app I will be back at the home screen or the app draw (if I went into it to run the app). Basically, if I didn't have to hit the home button or back out of the app I was in to run the second app then when i leave the second app I will be back at the first app. That is the way it worked for me on stock too.

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