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S-PEN - Handwriting to text?

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FWIW, I prefer Graffiti. This is what the Palm devices used (originally...it later switched to Jot due to licensing isues). Graffiti is now available for Android.

Note that Graffiti is NOT handwriting recognition. Instead, you draw simplified versions of letters, called strokes. The strokes for most letters are intuitive and look like the letter. The strokes are designed so that the pen/stylus doesn't leave the device for a stroke, which makes it faster than normal writing as well as making the recognition more efficient and accurate. The learning curve is pretty short and I have always found it much faster than actual writing. Capitalization is a single stroke prior to the letter (two for caps lock) and most punctuation marks and symbols are also accessible with a pre-stroke followed by a single stroke...instead of hunting through multiple keyboards to find the symbol you need. A single stroke also brings up the help, which shows you all the symbols and their strokes. You can use it with your finger (as I did on my OG Droid) and it works great with the stylus, too. In addition, the writing area is much smaller than other keyboards...taking up less valuable screen space.

Here's the free version (ad supported...pro is $3):
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