Okay most people I assuming have read your post and came away with two conclusions 1) your a certifiable idiot

or 2) your troll posting random non sense

I read your post and thought at first okay this person is most definitely an idiot troll. However I thought okay let's no so be quick to judge, you could be father, who simply ran out of steam, brain was shutting down

or perhaps you were over work, trying to do a million things at once and your phone got place in your shoe. Your in a hurry gotta catch a flight or the bus, train your rushing about you feel something in your shoe but can't stop
Okay here's what you can do. 1) move on get a new device, 2) take your phone to repair shop and spend $80-$200 on an out dated no longer supported device
My advice move on .You can get a cheap no thrill device for under $100 or spend $1,000 and get all the bells and whistles