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Science made Stupid

...and green and yellow and brown..why single out red apples, Kuran? Discrimination based on colour is an archaic form of prejudice. Prejudice based on cell phone OS is much cooler and accepted now. People who use windows phones, for example, are normally dark and brooding goth types. They find sollace in Japanese cartoons and rocket propelled grenades. They will never be president or babysit my children.
Dogs eat cats when they can, but they have dog breath. Cats eat fish, but have cat breath.
Dogs and Cats are Gods . They can have whatever breathe they want .Bow to them now .
@9to5 .in 2nd century BC Egypt was under mice infestation . They couldn't afford the pied piper so they turned to next best thing .Samurai Pizza Cats .35 generations down the way of the samurai is still followed by modern day cats

Nails can be clipped.
Screws can just as easily be clipped. Can we please stop with the special treatment and discrimination? Seriously . If you have the right pair if snips, ANY kind of anchor/rod/nail/screw/bolt could be clipped.
The country, Turkey, is sometimes called Asia-minor.
The country Turkey is called asia minor because it was demanded by the semi-exotic european four heeled white furry two eyed strong nosed ring tailed pugs .

Diarmuid could enchant ladies .
Diarmuid could enchant ladies because chicks thought his name was Arabic. Arabic dudes pull chicks. Im living proof of that. I'm a chick and I think Arabic dudes are hot.
Dolphins aren't fish.
Dolphins are not fish...they are mythical creatures much like Cthulu and have been idolized by a local football team in Miami. The true story of the dolphin is they heard of the world's impending destruction to make room for a galatic superhighway and left while singing either a showtune or the star spangled banner depending on your source material...turns out the mice that passed the information onto the dolphins were trying to trick the dolphins into leaving by passing on bad information and even made up a fictious race of alien that specialize in bad poetry...but that is a different story...

Mice are the real rulers of the earth
Swords are sharp because they are made out of pure sharptium, the element that makes things sharp. This is also the element that makes up half of my comments. ;)

The heart pumps blood to the body.
Normal Hearts cant afford C62 Rocket Fuel or Kerosene .SO they pump the cheapest alternative .

Plutonium comes after Uranium
Of course but it was recently determined that plutonium is actually a sub element and not a real element

Higher tension on a guitar string will cause it to be sharp
....or just higher. Why does everything have to be so negative?
:p but seriously, since the strings are made of cat gut, the tension has an effect on the strings similar to when you kick a cat in its stomach (which i don't do very often)
Cows have multiple stomachs (added fact, "stomach" is spelled weird.)
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