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Science made Stupid

While it is a linguistic fact that the word "orange" has no other words in the English language that rhyme with it, it is equally true that words such as "tuberculosis" and "ROFL" also have no words that rhyme with them in English. "Tuberculosis" would, especially, like to point out that it is as unique and cool and interesting and tasty as "orange".
Dogs bark, cats meow, and snakes hiss.
Dogs bark because they learned how to talk from trees. Snakes hiss because they frequently have leaks. Cats do whatever they want and couldn't care less about what you think.

Opposites attract.
Rain falls from clouds because another cloud sneezes/coughs. This sneeze/cough is generally known as "Lightening/thunder". The sicker the cloud, The more lightening and thunder occur.
The loud sounds scare the timid rain clouds into releasing their water reserves (Their bladders).

People get vertigo.
People get a lot of things including Tomatoes ,shoes ,laptops , Cruise missiles , Canned food , conjunctivitis , Sharingan , Crappy phones ,Grape juice ,Iced Monkeys , grey Hair , loony neighbours and so on . Vertigo is just one in many

Birds Fly
Well so do planes. And that's because there's some dude flying it. Same principle with birds. Just smaller dudes and more worms.
Sound is a wave.
According to some that is how the universe came about as well. It combusted internally and spit out a bunch of stars and planets. So if it works for one thing, It'll work for everything. Redneck theory, It's legit.

You have a blind spot in your vision.
Humans have a blind spot in their eyes because without the blind spot, they'd be able to see their brains. And that would just be distracting.

When it is cold, you shiver.
Once upon a time there was a pinko rabbit . He was a commie . He demanded carrots and ran sweat workshops . The slaves were made to resonate at 52Khz so that heat is emitted via their body .That made them cold .Legend says that he is a God .

New Paper is sharp.
New paper is sharp because the amphibious tree creatures who make the paper use very sharp knives. They have perfected the process and use one of the most strong material to sharpen the knives. That material is, as I'm sure you've guessed, rocks.

The moon orbits earth.
The moon orbits the earth because we are such an awesome and beneficial planet. Everything revolves around us. We are the gravity of the universe.

You sweat when you are hot.
First of all, thanks for noticing that. It happens because sweat is actually blood that has been over oxygenated during strenuous activity, like eating hot wings or jalepe
Humans cry only when another one of their organs insult the eyes. It is a natural defense mechanism - an attempt to flood the face with slightly salty warm water. The mouth and nose hate this especially.

Birds are able to fly.
Mosquitoes bites itch.
People get a lot of things including Tomatoes ,shoes ,laptops , Cruise missiles , Canned food , conjunctivitis , Sharingan , Crappy phones ,Grape juice ,Iced Monkeys , grey Hair , loony neighbours and so on . Vertigo is just one in many

Birds Fly

Well so do planes. And that's because there's some dude flying it. Same principle with birds. Just smaller dudes and more worms.
Sound is a wave.

Sorry 9 to 5..that fact has already been....ahem...adequately explained..... :o
Mosquito bites itch because they are the clowns of the insect kingdom. They use itching powder on humans because their whoopi cushions are too small for us.

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.
No they don't. They appear to grow, when in actuality, Everything else is constantly getting smaller.

Earthquakes. What's the deal?
Earthquakes don't have tongues, nor do they have vocal chords. Neither do they have fingers to type with. Because of this, you will never be able to get an answer out of them.
Wind blows.
There are factories in foreign nations that hire storks to carry children to many different addresses. You send in a form and they will respond if you have a child available. If you do not have one, You'll have a waiting period before you can resubmit another request. Some requests are denied because there are no children who fit the criteria of the application.

Music affects the senses.
Music travels a lot .it travels here and there an everywhere. By the time it reaches the ear,it is tired . It cries foul right at the centre of the sensory track and disrupts the network . It takes a lot of consoling to get the senses on track.

Apples are red
Apples are red because they are very sensitive to heat and they spend the entire day in the sun. It gets quite hot, so they are red. I also hear they have a bit of a temper...

Cats are sneaky.
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