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Help Screen keeps turning on (& wont turn off)


Android Enthusiast
Is there any1 else having this happen? I hit the power button to turn the screen off & it lights right back up as soon as I hit it; I hit it again to cut it off, & again it turns right back on; then when I do get it to shut off, about a minute or 2 lata it turns on again & will stay on until I fight to turn it off...

I'm jus checking before I hard reset it & see if there's an app causing this...

edit: can 1 of the mods put this in troubleshooting (my bad)
I don't kno for certain which app it was but I'm goin to try & trace it so that I can give a heads up...
Well I don't hav Widget locker; but its definitely (seemingly) an app but I hadn't got to it yet; I've been adding all the ones that I had but slowly (to see if the problem arises) that way I can kno which 1 was|is causing it...
Well I hadn't been gettin it nearly as much; it may do it 1 time a day (after I hit the power button to cut it off) it'll pop back on but its not jus popping on out the blue like it was...

Now I gotta figure out why the screen won't go off when the Speaker phone or headset is in use :rolleyes:
I meant to post this a week or so ago; but it has to do with the Airplane mode thing; the phone is basically restarting after it loses signal so it cuts the screen on each time or stays on til it fines a sig... hav u toggle Airplane mode on & back off?
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