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Root SD Card Damaged Help

So my SD card says its damaged and wants me to format it after I had reboot it from the recovery screen, I did that and then went back into my recovery later the same day and gave me the same result. Thinking that it was just the SD card I went out and bought another one the same week. When I sat down and reboot it with the new SD card from the recovery screen cause I was backing my current ROM up. I got the same result as before :confused:. Is the problem my phone? Or do I need to reroot my decive? Need some help please!!!
It sounds like its the evo, i would blow off the rom and reinstall it again. and I would run those two sd cards thru some software to check for bad sectors, verify disk in a mac or scan disk on win. unlikely that both cards would crap out at the same time but strangers things have happened.

there is also the possibility that the usd card bus is dying on the EVO, any recent drops?

good luck.
Thanks for the help! Sorry for these two dumb question but what software checks do you use or, where the best place can I find one? Second question what do you mean by "any recent drops"
Thanks for the help! Sorry for these two dumb question but what software checks do you use or, where the best place can I find one? Second question what do you mean by "any recent drops"

What ROM? If it was CM7 rc (?), I did the same thing twice. Mount it to windows and scan for errors. You may lose a pic or two, but it will clear up the errors. If you are going to reformat, back it up on your computer first.
Thanks for the help! Sorry for these two dumb question but what software checks do you use or, where the best place can I find one? Second question what do you mean by "any recent drops"

I think he was asking if you dropped your phone recently. Might have hardware damage inside if you did.
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