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Help SD Card problem - causes phone to freeze


Android Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2010
West Pittston, PA
Okay, so my phone has been freezing a lot lately, just locking up, going black. I couldn't find the issue, phone is rooted, tried many different roms, virtuous has been the best to me freeze wise. I wasn't even able to get through setup 99% of the time. I finally found out everything works fine when the sd card isn't in there (only 4 GB - class 2 / upgrading soon). It is formatted as FAT32. Do you think transferring all the files to my computer, reformatting it, and then putting all the files back on will fix the problem? Or have any other suggestions? Thanks for your help.
If you're going to do that, I'd format then replace the card bare. If it still passes, replace files. That way you verify it's not a certain file on the card causing the issue. Haven't really heard of that potential before but when it comes to cards and the Incredible, nothing surprises me anymore. May just end up having to get a new one.
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Well, I'm still in the process of transferring everying to my computer. It's pretty slow since it's only a class 2. There were so far about 25 files or so that caused the card to lose connection to the pc. I'm HOPING that by "skipping" those ones, it fixes the problem. Hopefully those are just corrupt. Once they all transfer to the computer, I'm going to format the card and try bringing all the ones that tranferred back over. I'm thinking / hoping that is the problem.
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Thanks for the update. How did you determine which files were corrupted? And now you're beck on the same card minus the offending files?

Correct, same card minus the offending files. What I did was put the micro SD card into an adapter and into my SD card reader. I went to transfer all my files to my Computer, and whenever it found a corrupted file, it said file not found, and my memory card would stop showing up on the computer. I would click "skip" for that file, and the disconnect and reconnect the memory card and continue with the transfer until running into the next corrupted file. Just repeat that until you get all the files transferred.

Once all the files got transferred to the computer, Delete all the files from the memory card, and then transfer all of the successful ones back from the computer to the Memory card, and wala, memory card is good again, minus the corrupted files

Also, after I had my phone for a month or 2, i got a "memory card corrupted" message, or something similar. The same method worked for repairing it then, too.
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Same thing happened to me. The phone would freeze, and sometimes mount the SD card as read-only. I had to pull the data and reformat the card. This was 2 days after the Froyo push. The same card has been working great ever since.

If that happens again, I would recommend trying this method. Worked great for me.
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Ok fyi i own a 16gb sd card that will cause my kitkat 4.4 on a ellipsis to freeze everytime i fill it to 9.58gb. I tried a few different strategies chkdsk found no errors formatted, erased, formatted, partitioned formatted. I have retrieved the data numerous times. I am sure i lost some vids. No biggie.anyone think the oven trick might "smooth" out the bad hardware so i can use this card? Im super cheapskate and seeking more knowledge. More teepee for my brain hole.

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