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SD card stopped working on Android device


Jun 22, 2022
Hi All
One of my Android devices has stopped detecting its SD card. It won't re-mount.
The SD card has been cleaned and reformatted on both Window and Linux. it is readable on both OS. It is also mountable and readable on another Android device. I have also returned the Android device in question to factory settings, without success.
Any ideas anyone?
Hi All
One of my Android devices has stopped detecting its SD card. It won't re-mount.
The SD card has been cleaned and reformatted on both Window and Linux. it is readable on both OS. It is also mountable and readable on another Android device. I have also returned the Android device in question to factory settings, without success.
Any ideas anyone?
what phone do you have? have you tried other sd cards?
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I got a Galaxy S5 that actually destroys any SD card you place into it. I probably went through 3 before I discovered that. They'd all say 'SD CARD CORRUPT' (when they read fine in another device) and try formatting it just sits at 'formatting SD Card' forever. Take it out of the S5, try to use it in say a PC, it doesn't even know it's there. Any other phone just acts like it's not there either. Won't detect or read anymore. I stopped using SD cards in the S5 for that reason. Never figured out what caused it though.

Many modern Android phones will display a notification saying 'there's a problem with your SD card' and it sets it to read-only. This usually happens because the write-limit has been reached for the SD Card. They have a finite set of writes before they won't allow you to add any more, even if storage is available. That's why I don't trust SSDs in PCs. I doubt highly any SSD will outlive that Western Digital Caviar 80GB that's still working on my HP Pavilion PC from 2003.
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