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SD Cards, Modem Function, Battery status indicator, amd more...


So I've been using the phone for a few days now, and I have a couple questions I hope someone will know the answers to.

1. Is there a way to set the phone to store the Apps, and App Data, such as contacts, calendar, etc. on the SD card itself. There is hardly any room left on my card and I can't imagine that they would have left that featire out. My old HP iPaq from like 7 years ago did that.

2. Does anyone know how to use it as a modem? Or can you link to a tutorial on this function?

3. I just heard of an app that puts fur on your screen like a virtual cat, when you touch the fur, it purrs and vibrates. It actually sounds pretty bizarre, but i gotta see that?

4. Has anyone figured out how to import contacts manually from a csv file or something stored on the SD card?

5. Does anyone know how to add a custom ring to the Alarm clock options?

6. Anyone heard of any news regarding a file browser, ftp, and/or VPN functionality in the neat future?

Also, has anyone else had problems with the camera lagging a lot. I was trying to take some photos in moderate light, and it took like 4-5 seconds to take the picture and it was really blurry. My Razr took sharper images!

I really like the phone so far. And it does have a lot of potential. I may even learn Java just to be able to do some extra things...Exciting!

Thanks for the help.
1 not yet
2 not yet
3 it's in games, you creepy furry :D
4 you can import a csv in gmail on your computer, which puts them in your g1
5 pretty sure it's possible right now, don't know how
6 a file browser is in the app store, i want http upload before ftp!, no idea on vpn
please search the forum before starting a thread of questions, many of these have already been answered in other threads.

Good rule of thumb when you're new to any forum:
Search, search, search, search for a few days and then, when you can't find what you want, ask.
1 not yet
2 not yet
3 it's in games, you creepy furry :D
4 you can import a csv in gmail on your computer, which puts them in your g1
5 pretty sure it's possible right now, don't know how
6 a file browser is in the app store, i want http upload before ftp!, no idea on vpn

Thanks for the help :)

please search the forum before starting a thread of questions, many of these have already been answered in other threads.

Good rule of thumb when you're new to any forum:
Search, search, search, search for a few days and then, when you can't find what you want, ask.

Search for a few days before you ask? If it takes that long the topic clearly needs to be raised again to make it more simple to find. The more threads out there with the answer, the easier it is on a user to find the answer. If it's ONE thread with the answer and the other 100 where the question is asked get a "use the search" response, how quickly do you imagine they will find their answer?

Just a reminder, from the Rules thread:

"Also while the search feature on forums is great, and hopefully will be utilized - if someone comes here and asks a question, either answer it or don't. If you're going to suggest the search feature, be polite about it. Nothing irks me more than when I go to a forum, (and use the search!), then ask a question because I want some one on one with my problem, and get a simple "Use the search." reply."
Thanks for the help :)

Search for a few days before you ask? If it takes that long the topic clearly needs to be raised again to make it more simple to find.

Perhaps the mods/owners can put together a "newbie" FAQ that shows commonly asked questions and current answers.

The more threads out there with the answer, the easier it is on a user to find the answer. If it's ONE thread with the answer and the other 100 where the question is asked get a "use the search" response, how quickly do you imagine they will find their answer?

Again, a newbie FAQ solves this problem.

"Just a reminder, from the Rules thread:

"Also while the search feature on forums is great, and hopefully will be utilized - if someone comes here and asks a question, either answer it or don't. If you're going to suggest the search feature, be polite about it. Nothing irks me more than when I go to a forum, (and use the search!), then ask a question because I want some one on one with my problem, and get a simple "Use the search." reply."

Run your forum any way you want, but it seems sorta disjointed and ultimately wastes a lot of your server space.
Most of the forums I've been to have mods that actively merge threads, and close redundant ones (while moving posts) and redirect people so that the same conversation doesn't have to happen in six places at once. I'm not objecting to the conversation, I just feel covering the same ground because someone isn't willing to spend some time (days was an exaggeration meaning "more than 10 seconds", BTW) searching is counterproductive. Plus, with six conversations all happening in the same place, it's very likely that a question or answer in one thread might help people in another thread --- especially when they both cover the same topic area. Merging them eliminates clutter and brings all the people wanting the same answers together, everyone wins that way. Perhaps there aren't enough mods to make that feasible, I have no idea.

It may irk you when you use the search and then get told to use the search again, but it's equally irksome to see the same question being asked 3-5 times every day. Let's remember where we are: the internet, a vast repository of information, all one needs to do is look.

As I suggested, a newbie FAQ would help people, and could be easily updated as thing change. It's a suggestion, take it or leave it.

On a lighter note....:D
Phases, I have to say that the comedy of your rules is lost on you. This is a forum on ANDROID a product of GOOGLE the leader in search engines. Yet you seem to be actively discouraging people from...of all things....suggesting that someone use a search!:p:D
Perhaps the mods/owners can put together a "newbie" FAQ that shows commonly asked questions and current answers.
Indeed planned. You'll see references to it on various threads :)

Again, a newbie FAQ solves this problem.
Again, on the to-do list.

Run your forum any way you want, but it seems sorta disjointed and ultimately wastes a lot of your server space.
Most of the forums I've been to have mods that actively merge threads, and close redundant ones (while moving posts) and redirect people so that the same conversation doesn't have to happen in six places at once. I'm not objecting to the conversation, I just feel covering the same ground because someone isn't willing to spend some time (days was an exaggeration meaning "more than 10 seconds", BTW) searching is counterproductive. Plus, with six conversations all happening in the same place, it's very likely that a question or answer in one thread might help people in another thread --- especially when they both cover the same topic area. Merging them eliminates clutter and brings all the people wanting the same answers together, everyone wins that way. Perhaps there aren't enough mods to make that feasible, I have no idea.

I agree, and when noticed and it makes sense to, mods are to do it. They are also new, and we have a little ways to go - we know. And yes, we will be adding more mods when needed. Also, it certainly doesn't appear "days" was meant to be an exaggeration, but okay!

It may irk you when you use the search and then get told to use the search again, but it's equally irksome to see the same question being asked 3-5 times every day. Let's remember where we are: the internet, a vast repository of information, all one needs to do is look.
It does irk me, you're right. You could answer the question or link them to the correct thread if you're so familiar with the 3-5 you see a day of it.

As I suggested, a newbie FAQ would help people, and could be easily updated as thing change. It's a suggestion, take it or leave it.
Again, on the to-do list. :)

On a lighter note....:D
Phases, I have to say that the comedy of your rules is lost on you. This is a forum on ANDROID a product of GOOGLE the leader in search engines. Yet you seem to be actively discouraging people from...of all things....suggesting that someone use a search!:p:D

Ah ha ha, I really do appreciate irony! :P

I'm just suggesting you help people who are sitting here looking for help, if you know the answer. Let them search in the meantime if they want to speed things up for themselves. But if you're not here to help and be a part of the community, why be here at all?

Thanks for the well thought out reply. I can appreciate that over where this could have gone with a different personality.

pestilance, thanks for the informative answer, and what's wrong with a little furrr fetish...hahaha:p...i couldn't find it, what's it called...my girlfriend is harassing me.:eek:

guys, i didn't mean to create such controversy. the reality is that i did search a few terms and found nothing, try searching "vpn" and the search omits the term "vpn." The irony is that if the forum used a google search bar then I probably would have found answers easy.

Since the phone is so new, and things are changing at such a dramatic pace, we will be getting a lot of same questions until the information gets disseminated a little more. So if you don't like it, just tune out, man and chill out. Plus, the answers people given today, may not be valid tomorrow, so there still is a need for having up to date answers.

But I like the idea of the newb FAQ, that could be updated easier and provide a good reference.

Thanks the admins and mods for the great forum!!! As i learn more, will be able to contribute more...
It's no biggie, it's cool I promise.

Punk and I hashed it out right quick, that's okay. He made good points, and if you'll see the announcement at the top of each forum - he helped to get the ball on the roll, and I do appreciate it.

pestilance, thanks for the informative answer, and what's wrong with a little furrr fetish...hahaha:p...i couldn't find it, what's it called...my girlfriend is harassing me.:eek:

It's under apps (not games) for some reason and it's called Krystle II.

Took me a while to find it again.
It's under apps (not games) for some reason and it's called Krystle II.

Took me a while to find it again.

That is way more bizarre than it sounded, they could have picked an animal slightly less mangy. and maybe animated it a little. nevertheless, good for a laugh.
i really like the way this thread was handled. Congratulations to all for maintaining everything withing bounds. It was a really great read.

Have a great evening! :)
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