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Root Security with unlocked bootloader

I am considering rooting my nexus 10, I have rooting guide, but I still have one concern. Does rooting my tablet make it less secure. I realize that root access will make it much easier for me to mess up important files, but does it make my tablet any less secure being constantly connected to wifi?
Sorry if this is a kind of noob question but, I have had some issues with computer security and I am a bit paranoid about exposing myself unnecessarily.
I'm not sure that I understand your reply. My concern is that my personal information may be more easily accessed or that my system files may be more easily corrupted by someone trying to attack my tablet. I don't know a great deal about network security but, having had my PC attacked and my personal information stolen, I would like to understand if by rooting my tablet would I make it more vulnerable to online hackers.
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The only security issue leaving the bootloader unlocked Is that it would allow someone access to files on your tablet if you were to lose possession of it, even if you have a password/pin on it. Granted, to gain access they would have to be knowledgeable in rooting/romming in order to accomplish this.

By keeping it locked, if the they'd were to unlock it, it would wipe the tablet clean and thus destroy your personal files.
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The only security issue leaving the bootloader unlocked Is that it would allow someone access to files on your tablet if you were to lose possession of it, even if you have a password/pin on it. Granted, to gain access they would have to be knowledgeable in rooting/romming in order to accomplish this.

By keeping it locked, if the they'd were to unlock it, it would wipe the tablet clean and thus destroy your personal files.

Of course, you could just use device encryption to protect your data from a physical attack, but any physical attack has a better chance of getting past security than an online one.
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