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Help sensation 4g newbie


Feb 14, 2010
Can anyone share with me about:
1-how easy it was to load your sim card and sd card, turn the phone on.
2-How easy was it to have all your contacts download from google or outlook contact, have your favorite apps show on your phone, connect all your email accounts (gmail, yahoo and hotmail) and move on with your life?
3-From start to use, how long did it take?
4-How easy is it to multitask between yahoo messenger, gtalk, facebook and skype all at the same time?
5-How is the phone's screen outdoor? Too much sunglare? Any suggestion on screen protector?
6-Has anyone tried printing wirelessly from their phone?
7-I use a lot of spreadsheets, view PDF and use MS word, how does the phone perform with these applications?
8-I speak french, german and English, can i change languages on the fly while writing a text msge or a document? I can easily do that on my blackberry
I am asking all these questions because i am about to receive mine and i want to be prepared to fully enjoy it.
Thanks to anyone who will answer these questions from an android newbie


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