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I'm a M7 user with ported sense 7 custom ROM.. Better battery life with stock ROM and kernel is quite hard to judge because the kernel have a huge contributions to battery life.. The ROM itself not really different.. I've tried many ROMs and yeah, still the kernel that have a huge contributions

Except you were changing base from ex. JB to KK or Lollipop, yeah you can feel it
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Not really. Even with my display on auto, it just eats up my battery. I don't have any apps running in the background. idk
You could be the victim of a bad media file sending your phone into an endless loop trying to index it - that will eat a battery like nobody's business and an update won't help.

Check out "Corrupt Image Finder"


Check out "MP4Fix Video Repair Tool"


Or copy your files to your pc and delete them from your phone, go to settings, Apps, All - clear data on media storage - reboot phone and let it sit a half hour. (You'll have to redo your sound settings, etc.) If that fixes it, it was a bad file.

Another thing to try, won't lose anything - settings, power, make sure that fast boot is NOT checked - hold volume down while powering on - go to RECOVERY from HBOOT - clear/wipe cache - reboot.

If the main Android cache is hosed that could do it.

Finally - if you have bad reception or are in and out of roaming a lot, none of the above will help. Bad reception eats batteries.
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Hmmm, I don't see fast boot in my Power menu. Most likely disabled already.
So you have Lollipop and can ignore that one bit but go for the rest of the cache clear procedure.

I left that detail off last week, same question, and went in a circle for a day before realizing that guy had KitKat (that had the option). :D

So - my bad on the setting, the rest is right.
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Yup my mistake between fastboot and Fast Boot, but I'm pretty sure it's on by default
Understand the confusion but it's easy to get right.

When the old fast boot was on, you couldn't power all the way down to get to HBOOT or FASTBOOT.

In Lollipop, it feels like the old fast boot is on by default because it starts so quickly now.

That's because the apps that have to preload are already compiled, not compiling on load, and because the cache recovery benefits from the same thing - everything in the cache being queued up is also precompiled.

The final way to tell is HTC warned that a lot of apps were incompatible with fast boot. Because of that, they made the default to be off back in 2012 but left the option there for people to try.

Now that Lollipop starts so quickly, it's just not needed and a welcome loss from the options - less confusing, more stable, and no app issues on startup from the old option. ;) :)
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