Of course, I thought you were confused with regards to the executive
The executive WAS the President. I'm not confused. You and droiduzr2 seem to be though.
Yes, the German war hero
In Ireland today (our system is modelled on the Weimar system) our President plays a VERY ceromonial role - she just accepts the nomination of PM and signs in laws
In pre-WWII Germany, the President had very real power. In fact, it was only after convincing the President that Communists were about to take the country by force, that the President granted Hitler Emergency powers. Which is how Hitler got power, real power.
Yes your point?
True, Hidenburg was no fan of Hitler IIRC, however he had little choice - the peoples will
The people's will? The Nazi party was a minority in the Reichstag. Granted, it was a sizable minorty, but a minority none the less.
Shadowninty. Take a step back. Read up on HOW Hitler came to power. Then come back and lets have this discussion all over again.
It was decidedly NOT the will of the people.